public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags javascript & tracking

October 2013

Object Detection with HTML5 getUserMedia | TechSlides

by 1 other
Recently, I have seen a couple different JavaScript face detection demos based on the HTML5 getUserMedia API. I even made my own face detection demo based on the HTML5 video tag. Beyond human faces, we also have face detection for cats in JavaScript, nudity detection, and much more with js-objectdetect, a JavaScript library for real-time object detection.

September 2013

Motion tracking with Javascript, HTML5 and a webcam - thinkMoult

Why would you use the web for motion tracking? Simple. HTML5 Canvas is exciting. Javascript is (pretty) cool. Combined with a lazy afternoon, we can create an ultra simple hand motion tracking and colour recognition system.

May 2013

auduno/headtrackr · GitHub

by 1 other (via)
headtrackr is a javascript library for real-time face tracking and head tracking, tracking the position of a users head in relation to the computer screen, via a web camera and the webRTC/getUserMedia standard. For a demonstration see this video or try out some of the examples with a laptop that has a camera and a browser that has camera webRTC/getUserMedia support (for instance Opera 12). For an overview of browsers supporting the getUserMedia standard see