public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag webdesign

July 2015

Relay — Design Communication Synced with Slack

by 1 other
Sketch Capture and share artboards with context. Send to your team without leaving the app.

June 2015

The Ultimate Guide To iPhone Resolutions

At the beginning, coordinates of all drawings are specified in Points are abstract units, they only make sense in this mathematical coordinate space

March 2015

Build a Website — Squarespace

We believe that even the wildest ideas should come to life in a beautiful way. Find out how we collaborated with Jeff Bridges to present one of his.

January 2015

Best practices in online captioning

In 2003–2004, I worked for the TILE project, a university research program in accessibility of “learning objects” in education that was funded by Industry Canada. My topic was “best practices in online captioning,” about which little has been written. I was hoping to have a few demonstration projects to show you, but then again, demonstration projects are pretty much all we've got in online captioning. I did write the following chapters.

Sous-titrage des vidéos: optimiser leur aspect pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur | Qelios Expertise – Accessibilité Web

by 2 others
Les référentiels d’accessibilité indiquent que les sous-titres synchronisés sont des éléments nécessaires à l’accessibilité des vidéos. Ce besoin concerne notamment les personnes en situation de déficience auditive, mais également les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue du contenu, ou ayant généralement une compréhension améliorée du contenu vidéo lorsqu’il est sous-titré.

There is No Fold (avec images, tweets) · xiwcx · Storify

Luke Wroblewski went on a pretty great twitter tear debunking the persistent myth of "the fold" in contemporary (read: multi-device) web design. For posterity, here are all of the tweets including links to the sources.

November 2014

How Businessweek Is Reinventing the Magazine Cover

Chances are a Bloomberg Businessweek cover has stopped you in your tracks at some point: Maybe it was the brilliant cat hurricane GIF, or airplanes humping mid-air, or the most anti-Apple typography ever slapped over Tim Cook's face. But behind the provocative graphic design is a smart strategy that's changing the way publications are made, both online and off.

elephant interactive

Jérôme Pidoux conception / web-design / da / direction de projet

TC Cribs:, The Startup Office That Feels Like Home (Because It Used To Be One) | TechCrunch

In this episode of Cribs, we headed over to, the startup that’s built a web platform for developers and designers.

October 2014

The Grid

by 2 others
This is not another do-it-yourself website builder. The Grid harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to take everything you throw at it - videos, images, text, urls and more - and automatically shape them into a custom website unique to you. As your needs grow, it evolves with you, effortlessly adapting to your needs. Want to add e-commerce? Social feeds? A different layout? The Grid just takes care of it. This is not a website builder. This is your personal AI web developer. Its first masterpiece is the website you're looking at right now. Its next one could be yours.

10 Fonts for Code - Typecast

by 2 others
Our web design community loves to share tips and tricks, and often this means showing what’s happening under the hood. So this month, Jake Giltsoff has found 10 typefaces that will make your code snippets look great in everything from personal how-to blogs to tech pub tutorials.

September 2014

The StoryCode Ten: Questions for Upian

Established in 1998, Upian is a design studio and interactive production company known for its award winning projects including Alma - A Tale of Violence, Prison Valley, and Generation Quoi? For this interview three of Upian's producers—Alexandre Brachet, Margaux Missika and Gregory Trowbridge—take us behind the screens as they describe their process and the development of their projects.

August 2014

5 | 5 Things UX And UI Designers Could Learn From Wes Anderson | Co.Design | business + design

Director Wes Anderson has always been distinguished for his visual artistry, detail-rich sets, and storybook-like imagery. From the whimsical, campy feel of Moonrise Kingdom to the carefully crafted sets and miniatures in The Grand Budapest Hotel, Anderson’s movies are visual masterpieces.


by 3 others
Good old wikipedia, great new look

July 2014

Google Is About To Take Over Your Whole Life, And You Won't Even Notice | Co.Design | business + design


June 2014

Teehan+Lax - Defining Experience

We like making things that people use. It is very difficult to capture what we do in a single line so we end up writing these statements that can sound like marketing fluff. Here is a longer explanation of what we do.

The Story of Our Company - The Making of Teehan+Lax | Teehan+Lax

It was June 19, 2002, and I was sitting in a hotel room in San Francisco when I got that news from my managing director. Modem Media, the company where I had served as Creative Director for the past 4 years, was shutting its Toronto office.

May 2014

Who Designed the Hamburger Icon?

The hamburger icon is a classic. Even if you don't know it by that name, its three black bars are as familiar as your mouse's cursor—a constant companion on your cyber journey since the day you got your first computer. But who designed this icon?

Kill The Hamburger Button | TechCrunch

That little three-lined button is the devil. Whether you call it a side menu, navigation drawer, or a hamburger, hiding your features off-screen behind a nondescript icon in the corner is usually a poor mobile design choice. Interaction theory, A/B tests, and the evolution of some of the top apps in the world all support the same thesis: The hamburger button is bad for engagement, and you should probably replace it with a tab bar or other navigation scheme.

Web design as troll: how The Verge Fanboys piece taunted the internet | Vox Product Blog

How do you speak to a group of extremely passionate people? What kind of design would speak to them? When Joshua Topolsky approached us about creating three different layouts in the style of three mobile UI’s we were initially torn. Something about mimicking the UI of phones didn’t feel original. But more importantly, it presented a problem of presentation. There was an inherent a UX problem to solve: do you offer presentation options or do you trick the user? We decided to troll.

Style Tiles

by 1 other (via)
Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. They help form a common visual language between the designers and the stakeholders and provide a catalyst for discussions around the preferences and goals of the client.

New York Times : les 8 leçons du mémo sévère sur le numérique | Medialand

Selon l'éditeur du site d'information économique Quartz, cité dans le rapport, il vaudrait mieux "chercher à rassembler des outils qui permettent de créer des Snow Falls tous les jours". Sont cités en exemple les quizz de Buzzfeed, format récurrent très viral quitte à devenir trop systématique.