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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags javascript & html5

March 2014

javascript - Replace a specific color by another in an image/sprite in a HTML5 canvas - Stack Overflow

but some of the parts of the image are specifically #ff0000 and I would like to be able to replace it by some other color, a custom user defined color.

January 2014 | JavaScript for interactive developers

A few years ago, I wrote a little ActionScript 3 library called MicRecorder, which allowed you to record the microphone input and export it to a .WAV file. Very simple, but pretty handy. The other day I thought it would be cool to port it to JavaScript. I realized quickly that it is not as easy. In Flash, the SampleDataEvent directly provides the byte stream  PCM samples) from the microphone. With getUserMedia, the Web Audio APIs are required to extract the samples. Note that getUserMedia and Web Audio are not broadly supported yet, but it is coming. Firefox has also landed Web Audio recently, which is great news.

October 2013

360° MP3 player UI demo (SoundManager 2): Javascript + Canvas Visualization

by 1 other
Canvas-based UI with visualization options. Note: Spectrum/EQ visualizations

Object Detection with HTML5 getUserMedia | TechSlides

by 1 other
Recently, I have seen a couple different JavaScript face detection demos based on the HTML5 getUserMedia API. I even made my own face detection demo based on the HTML5 video tag. Beyond human faces, we also have face detection for cats in JavaScript, nudity detection, and much more with js-objectdetect, a JavaScript library for real-time object detection.

September 2013

Motion tracking with Javascript, HTML5 and a webcam - thinkMoult

Why would you use the web for motion tracking? Simple. HTML5 Canvas is exciting. Javascript is (pretty) cool. Combined with a lazy afternoon, we can create an ultra simple hand motion tracking and colour recognition system.

May 2013

auduno/headtrackr · GitHub

by 1 other (via)
headtrackr is a javascript library for real-time face tracking and head tracking, tracking the position of a users head in relation to the computer screen, via a web camera and the webRTC/getUserMedia standard. For a demonstration see this video or try out some of the examples with a laptop that has a camera and a browser that has camera webRTC/getUserMedia support (for instance Opera 12). For an overview of browsers supporting the getUserMedia standard see

November 2012

The State of HTML5 Audio - PhobosLab

When I started to work on my JavaScript Game Engine back in October 2009, the biggest problems I encountered were with the new HTML5 Audio Element. The Canvas Element already worked nicely in all browsers that supported it at the time, albeit some were a little slow.

July 2012

Turn.js: Make a flipbook with HTML5

by 1 other
Turn.js is a JavaScript library that will make your content look like a real book or magazine using all the advantages of HTML5. The web is getting beautiful with new user interfaces based in HTML5; turn.js is the best fit for a magazine, book or catalog based in HTML5.