public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag print


Ukiyo-e Heroes | Home

I first emailed Dave in 2010. My query probably sounded like a lot of comments he gets – something to the effect of, “I want your life. I want to be you. Can I come to Japan and meet you?” Surprisingly, Dave got back to me very quickly. He was courteous, despite my stalker-ish professions of hero worship. He even called me on the phone one day, and listened to my aspirations as an artist. We threw some collaborative ideas around, but nothing really materialized from that first contact.


How Businessweek Is Reinventing the Magazine Cover

Chances are a Bloomberg Businessweek cover has stopped you in your tracks at some point: Maybe it was the brilliant cat hurricane GIF, or airplanes humping mid-air, or the most anti-Apple typography ever slapped over Tim Cook's face. But behind the provocative graphic design is a smart strategy that's changing the way publications are made, both online and off.

Watch: Historic Coney Island Recreated Using a 3-D Printer |

Scale model details the fantastic Luna Park from a century past The World's Deadliest Drug: Inside a Krokodil Cookhouse Inside the Coney Island Mermaid Parade Coney Island's Post Sandy Struggles by Taboola “More remains of ancient Rome than of turn-of-the-century Coney Island,” says Brooklyn artist Fred Kahl, explaining why he chose to create a detailed scale model of an amusement park from 100 years ago. “This is … about a deep love of Coney Island as the cultural melting pot and showcase for presenting cutting-edge technology as entertainment.”

Biologic Models

Welcome to Biologic Models!  We transform protein data into scientific models for use in continuing medical education. Doctors and healthcare professionals need access to up to date educational material in order to stay informed about the advancements of modern medicine. Biologic Models specializes in producing “physician-centric” educational products. Our 3D printed protein models visualize important medical breakthroughs, transforming the microscopic proteins that interact with drugs into scientific models large enough to hold in the palm of your hand.

Good Apples 2013

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Creative studio located in Boulder Colorado

Thingiverse : Lego

3d printing models


Graphisme & interactivité blog par Geoffrey Dorne » Imprimez vos tampons avec une imprimante 3D et Stampomatica !

À la croisée de l’antiquité et de l’innovation, Stampomatica est une machine d’impression à fort potentiel qui vous permet de redécouvrir le charme des techniques d’impression traditionnelles… tout en utilisant la technologie d’impression 3D  pour sa fabrication ! Présentée au cours de la Maker Faire de Rome en 2013, Stampomatica propose deux modèles de tampons : le premier pour imprimer des cartes de visite et le second pour créer et imprimer des cartes postales, des invitations ou des annonces à diffuser.

The Printer That Can Print A 2,500 Square Foot House In 20 Hours. | Industry Tap

We have seen huge advancements in 3D printing. We’ve even seen oversized wrenches printed that measure 1.2 meters in length. Now, we can print an entire 2,500 sqft house in 20 hours. In the TED Talk video below, Behrokh Khoshnevis, a professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC), demonstrates automated construction, using 3D printers to build an entire house in 20 hours.

Sensors - 3D Scan by Kinect

Kinect can measure the 3D shape through an infrared projector and sensor part, which scatters and receives laser beams. It also has RGB camera, which can detect the color and texture of an object. It means that I can use it as a 3D scanner.

Hot Pop Factory - 3D Printed Jewelry

For us, process is at the heart of it all. The idea of Iteration has been instilled in our brains since first year architecture school. With Hot Pop Factory, we are applying the same philosophies to a smaller scale - jewelry. For all the ideas that were too complex, expensive, impractical or just too wild to construct into buildings, we want to make into 3D Printed wearable ART.

Japanese photo booth will let you print a 3D model of yourself | The Verge

3D printing can be used for everything from building parts for rocket ships to printing dinosaur bones, but a company in Japan will soon be using the technology for something a bit more ordinary: to replace the humble photo booth. A temporary pop-up booth will be launching at the Eye of Gyre exhibition in Japan on November 24th, and will be open until January 14th of next year. The idea is similar to a regular photo booth, only instead of receiving a string of photos, you'll get a miniature, action figure-style 3D model.

Personalized 3D Printed Pez Dispenser Featuring Your Own Head

I never thought a Pez dispenser article would fall into the category of technology, but this definitely does. Surely you remember eating Pez candy when you were young. The little candies get loaded into the dispenser, and when you pull the head back, the candy pops out. It was one of my favorites when I was a kid. How would you like to have a Pez dispenser featuring your own head on top? It could be the most personalized candy dispenser ever.

Fill in the bauble: Bi-Ying Miao and Matt Compeau’s 3D jewelry line breaks boundaries | Style | Life | National Post

Fill in the bauble: Bi-Ying Miao and Matt Compeau’s 3D jewelry line breaks boundaries

Imprimez votre robot chez vous ! | AMUSEMENT.NET

Fabriquez votre propre robot humanoïde grâce à votre imprimante 3D ! Gael Langevin est en train de créer un robot imprimé en 3D dont les plans sont open source et disponible sur Thingiverse. InMoov est toujours en train d’être construit mais vous pouvez d’ores et déjà imprimer les épaules, biceps et mains du robot. Les autres parties seront disponibles au fur et à mesure de l’avancement de Gael. En plus d’une imprimante 3D, vous aurez besoin d’Arduino, de servo moteurs, de batteries et d’une bonne dose de patience pour venir à bout de ce projet.

See how three-dimensional printing, laser cutting and other innovative technologies are changing the face of furnishings

See how three-dimensional printing, laser cutting and other innovative technologies are changing the face of furnishings


A Turn of the Page for Newsweek - The Daily Beast

We are announcing this morning an important development at Newsweek and The Daily Beast. Newsweek will transition to an all-digital format in early 2013. As part of this transition, the last print edition in the United States will be our Dec. 31 issue.

Formlabs - High Resolution Desktop 3D Printer

il est où le bouton "want" de facebook :):)

Offscreen Magazine — a print magazine about pixel people

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Founders Kenmei Nagaoka, Seiichi Hishikawa President Seiichi Hishikawa COO, Executive Producer Keiko Iino Producers Takashi Ueno, Noritaka Moriguchi, Koji Karatsu Directors Tetsuro Tsuji, Yusuke Kobayashi, Yutaka Obara Staff Takaharu Shimizu, Tomoya Kamiko Ai Natori, Mizue Kawamura, Natsumi Suzuki Creative Brain Shin Sasaki, Ryosei Suzuki


» Whats Poppington: Isabeli Fontana pays homage to Linda Evangelista Vogue Italia 1989 Cubana Editorial

So if Vogue Paris going in on a directional change? or are they just giving props to the legends that created this thing called “superfashion”? Apparently this has been the question on everyones pouted lips since Emmanuelle Alt replaced Carine Roitfeld as the editor and chief of the print media title.

UCSF Japanese Woodblock Print Collection

The UCSF Library’s collection of Japanese woodblock prints illustrates a wide variety of health-related topics. The prints provide a window into traditional Japanese attitudes toward illness, the human body, women, religion, and the West.


2010 Tour de France

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Self-initiated information graphics visualizing the 2010 Tour de France