public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags web & java


OAICat - An OAI-PMH v2 Repository Framework

The OAICat Open Source project is a Java Servlet web application providing an OAI-PMH v2.0 repository framework. This framework can be customized to work with arbitrary data repositories by implementing some Java interfaces.

Apache / Sling : développer en Java pour le Web - Journal du Net > Développeurs

Apache annonce la sortie d'Apache Sling : un framework Web Open Source pour rendre le développement Java plus ludique et faciliter son utilisation. Sling permet de développer de multiples types d'application Web, y compris des blogs et des wiki. Sling fournit un fichier JAR (Java Archive) pour aider à démarrer avec le framework. Il aide à l'implémentation d'applications gérant du contenu sous une architecture RESTful. Il fournit une plate-forme pour mettre à jour les données et gérer leur accès.

Echo2 | Echo Web Framework

Echo is a platform for building web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients. The applications are developed using a component-oriented and event-driven API, eliminating the need to deal with the "page-based" nature of browsers. To the developer, Echo works just like a user interface toolkit.


Christian Fauré » Blog Archive » Bataille rangée autour des interfaces d’accès

Autour de ce que l’on pourrait nommer de manière générique les interfaces riches il y a profusion d’acronymes : Silverlight, Apollo, WPF, WPF/e, FLEX, AIR, JavaFX, GWT, SWING, etc. -- The lighttpd Web Server

by 1 other (via)
Until recently, Apache didn't have a serious open source rival. In Netcraft's latest web server survey, we can see one emerging. As always, Apache has the top spot, Microsoft's IIS is second, and the ever-popular unknown is third. Fourth is Sun's Java Web Server (formerly known as ONE, formerly iPlanet, formerly Netscape). But at number five, serving about 1.4 million sites, is something called lighttpd. Where did that come from? We'll look into lighttpd's history, basic installation and configuration, and some visions of the future.


Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

by 56 others (via)
You write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !

Presque tous les articles écrit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.


About JPilot's jIRC applet

Written 100% in Java, JPilot jIRC applet allows you to connect to any IRC servers around the world from virtually any web sites. All you need is a Java enabled browser.