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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags web & chat


BabelWith.Me - Create a Conversation

by 5 others is a simple, free group chat that automatically translates your conversation as you type.



Each room in OpenHuddle is designed to give you the freedom to interact with as many or as few people as you would like, in whatever way you want! Our Video, Audio, Text Chat and Drawing Board tools are available for you to use in whatever way you see fit. Just invite your friends into a Huddle and start interacting...

toksta* - the chat provider

by 2 others (via)
toksta* is a free instant messenger, which is easy to implement and customize into your social networking site or forum. toksta* IM enables your users to chat via text chat or webcam in real time - without having to switch to programs like Skype, MSN or ICQ!

Shared Web Applications | SamePlace

Shared web applications are SamePlace's most unique feature. Most IM clients let you interact with people in just one way: chatting. Some provide you with a whiteboard. Maybe a game or two. Not only SamePlace gives you a good start of extra apps (chessboard, shared cursor, synchronized map, S5 presentations), it also does so in an unusual way: SamePlace loads applications from the web.

ajax im - the ajax-based instant messenger

by 5 others (via)
ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses AJAX to create a near real-time IM environment that can be used in conjunction with community, intranet, and social websites. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript.

Cypher - Beta Release — - ai - ai software - semantic web - semantic web software - ai company - natural language processing - natural language processing software - RDF, FOAF, Friend of a Friend, DC, Dublin Core, RSS, SeRQL and SPARQL softwa

The Cypher™ beta release is the AI software program available which generates the .rdf (RDF graph) and .serql (SeRQL query) representation of a plain language input, allowing users to speak plain language to update and query databases. With robust definition languages, Cypher's grammar and lexicon can quickly and easily be extended to process highly complex sentences and phrases of any natural language, and can cover any vocabulary. Equipped with Cypher, programmers can now begin building next generation semantic web applications that harness what is already the most widely used tool known to man - natural language.

ChatMaker.NET: Make your own chat room!

by 1 other (via)
ChatMaker est un service gratuit qui permet de créer des chat rooms à la volée


TechCrunch en français » Flick.IM de retour avec une messagerie instantanée en tant que plateforme

’équipe qui, en un petit week-end, avait écrit FlickIM, un client gratuit IM pour l’Iphone, (qui a déjà 30 000 utilisateurs) est de retour avec un client de tchat pour AIM MSN, Google Talk, ICQ, and Jabber; je sais, vous allez dire encore un service de chat multi-clients ! Il y a déjà Meebo, eBuddy, Kool IM et plein d’autres services qui intègrent des tchats existants. Cependant, Flick IM propose un angle nouveau, il fonctionne comme une plateforme pour intégrer des applications web sur IM.

Spleak - virtual girl - chatbot

My name is Spleak and I'm a 21-year-old virtual girl currently living in the heart of San Francisco, California. Add me to your MSN Contact List or AIM Buddy List and we can chat all day if you like... I can also give you all sorts of fun information if you type in the right commands. Plus, I can introduce you to my friends from all over the globe.

Yaplet Beta!

by 8 others (via)
Chat with others through any website! (Or just leave posts, send private messages or sit and watch.) No installation. No registration.

Gabbly -

by 33 others (via)
un service en ligne qui permet de mettre en oeuvre spontanément un chat sur un site quelconque.


PHP FREE CHAT - Chat gratuit en PHP AJAX - Nouvelles

by 1 other
php Free Chat est un chat simple à installer, gratuit, rapide, paramétrable et multi langues. Le chat permet de créer des salons (/join), de parler en privé, et de modérer les salons (/kick /ban). Par soucis de simplicité, des répertoires et fichiers sont utilisés pour stocker les pseudonymes et les messages. AJAX est utilisé pour mettre à jour sans clignotement la liste des messages et des pseudonymes. Le système de thèmes basé sur les feuilles de styles CSS permet de changer complètement l'apparence et le système de plugin permet d'écrire ses propres routines de stockage (ex: Mysql, IRC backends ...) et vos propres commandes de chat !

Business group chat: Campfire

by 12 others (via)
Campfire lets you set up password-protected web-based chat rooms in just seconds. Invite a client, colleague, or vendor to chat, collaborate, and make decisions. Set up a room on your intranet for internal communications.


by 6 others (via)
php Free Chat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports customized themes based on CSS and a plugin system that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends ...), and you own chat commands !


Free AIM Bots | IRC Bots | Lots-A-Bots

Lots-A-Bots™ is a service that allows you to create your very own artificially intelligent, instant messaging robot. We support AIM Bots, IRC Bots, Web Chat, and Flash Chat. Anybody can learn how to program a chatter bot with ease. We use proprietary technology to provide you with the fastest, most advanced, and powerful service.

by 23 others (via)
Meebo est un outil web de gestion de comptes de messagerie instantanée. Comme Trillian, mais en version web. Il permet de se logguer à AIM, Yahoo!Messenger, ICQ, MSN, Jabber et même GTalk, le module IM de Google. La mise en place de services de référence par messagerie instantanée n'est vraiment plus un problème technique.


by 17 others (via)
Conversate lets you create instant online discussion spaces. It's simpler, faster, more polite, and less annoying than group emails.


JWChat - Jabber Web Chat

by 4 others
JWChat is a full featured, web-based Jabber™ client. Written using AJAX technology it relies on JavaScript and HTML at the client-side only. It supports basic jabber instant messaging, roster management and groupchats based on the MUC protocol.