public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag jeu

January 2010

Jeu ToileF1 - Accueil

Jeu de gestion de formule 1

Vassal Forge

Vassal est un moteur de jeu pour créer et jouer à des adaptations en ligne de jeux de plateaux et de cartes. Il est possible de jouer soit en temps réel par Internet soit par Email. Vassal fonctionne sur tout les plateformes, il est gratuit et Open source.

December 2009

Continuity: A Flash Puzzle Platformer

Un mélange entre tic-tac-toe et jeu de plateau... étonnant.

November 2009

Portail Elixir - Toolkit de développement de jeux sur Freebox

Ce site regroupe les éléments nécessaires au développement de nouveaux jeux vidéo sur Freebox HD.

October 2009


by 1 other (via)
pyglet provides an object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


Made with CAKE, so only works on browsers that have canvas support (Firefox 2 , Safari, Opera 9.5.)

September 2009

Peter Molyneux : L'avenir du jeu est dans l'intelligence artificielle émotionnelle - FingLive!

Milo est un enfant capable de voir notre monde, de se souvenir de nos interactions avec lui, qui s’adapte et s’inspire de vous. Milo va nous faire entrer dans l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle émotionnelle. Il peut parler, avoir des conversations avec vous, interagir de manière totalement naturelle. “Milo va être fasciné par le joueur et inversement. Et c’est cela qui est la vraie narration”,

August 2009

Heroes Of Might And Magic Kingdoms - Jeu en ligne gratuit par navigateur

Heroes Kingdoms arrive ! Nous sommes en train de régler les derniers détails pour ouvrir le beta test publique dans votre pays. Il devrait démarrer dans les prochains jours. Nous vous contacterons quand le beta test publique sera prêt à être lancé dans votre pays.

January 2009

Ecrans - « Clim City » : Sim City version réchauffement climatique

L’institut Cap Sciences de Bordeaux vient de lancer un jeu en ligne de simulation pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique.

Numpty Physics

by 1 other (via)
Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to the little yellow thing. Numpty Physics is a drawing puzzle game in the spirit (and style?) of Crayon Physics using the same excellent Box2D engine. Note though that I've not actually played CP so the experience may be very different. Numpty Physics includes a built-in editor so that you may build (and submit) your own levels. Numpty Physics is released under the GPL.

A propos de PlayOnLinux - PlayOnLinux - Jouez sous linux simplement et gratuitement !

PlayOnLinux est un logiciel vous permettant d'installer et d'utiliser facilement de nombreux jeux et logiciels prévus pour fonctionner exclusivement sous Windows® de Microsoft®.

November 2008


by 2 others
Egoboo is an open-source action-RPG / dungeon crawling adventure! It's like Nethack. Except it has actual graphics. And they're 3D. And it's in real-time. And there's no Oracle. And you can save your characters. That might not sound like Nethack at all, but you'll get what we mean when you download the game

Façade Vision and Motivation

Motivated by our belief that a fully-realized interactive drama has not yet been built, we embarked on a five year effort to integrate believable characters, natural language conversation, and dynamic storyline, into a small but complete, playable, publicly-released experience. Façade is the result of this effort.

October 2008

Heroes of Wesnoth

Today I started programming Heroes of Wesnoth, a free game under the GNU General Public License similar to Heroes of Might & Magic but with the graphics of the Battle for Wesoth project.

Game AI for Developers —

This web-site is the hub of the online game AI community. It includes a leading blog about artificial intelligence in games, a friendly and buzzing forum, as well as a knowledge base in the wiki.

September 2008

About the game. Heroes of War and Money - free online game | flash game, real time strategy online. Heroes of War And Money

Heroes of War and Money" appeared in May 2008. Created by a group of people, fascinated with HMM-style world of fantasy and adventure, the game has now grown. People from all over the planet become part of a breathtaking and intriguing world of ancient creatures and heroes. We hope that this free gamewould allow you to dip into the magic and might atmosphere again and again. In course of developing your character, you can participate in single, multiplayer, and soon enough even clan fights. For strategy & economy fans, there is a vast economic model available. Be it a short pause between fight or a complete dedication to the merchant's career, you will be able to quarry and machine dozens of resources types, produce and trade hundreds of artifacts. The game is supported by all modern browsers (Mozilla Firefox is recommended). Usage of newest Flash technologies allows creating most impressing battles without installing any additional files or clients on your computer. Due to that the game requirements for your PC's characteristics and your Internet connection are minimal. Those who use dial-up and GPRS connections will be pleased to know that the game consumes a low amount of traffic. For more information, select a desired section of the game reference from the menu on the left. Please also feel free to ask anything you wonder about at the forum or in the chat.

Chatterbots, Tinymuds, and the Turing Test

The Turing Test was proposed by Alan Turing in 1950; he called it the Imitation Game. In 1991 Hugh Loebner started the Loebner Prize competition, offering a $100,000 prize to the author of the first computer program to pass an unrestricted Turing test. Annual competitions are held each year with smaller prizes for the best program on a restricted Turing test. This paper describes the development of one such Turing System, including the technical design of the program and its performance on the first three Loebner Prize competitions. We also discuss the program's four year development effort, which has depended heavily on constant interaction with people on the Internet via Tinymuds (multiuser network communication servers that are a cross between role-playing games and computer forums like CompuServe). Finally, we discuss the design of the Loebner competition itself, and address its usefulness in furthering the development of Artificial Intelligence.

MegaMek - An unofficial, online version of the Classic BattleTech board game.

by 1 other (via)
MegaMek is an unofficial, online version of the Classic BattleTech board game.

ChallengeF1 - Jeu en ligne de management d'une écurie de F1 - Gratuit

Prenez les rênes d'une écurie de Formule1 virtuelle. Gérez vos dépenses, essayez d'engager les meilleurs pilotes du monde, améliorez les performances de vos monoplaces, gérez votre équipe d'ingénieurs, donnez vos instructions pour chaque grand prix et partez à la conquête des podiums !!!

August 2008

July 2008

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Walkthrough - Mahalo

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Walkthrough

Game/AI: Fixing Pathfinding Once and For All

I need to talk about some problems we face with pathfinding. In order to prove that these problems still exist, I felt the need to make this video ... which will hopefully be taken in the humorous and lighthearted spirit in which it was intended