public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag science


Numpty Physics

by 1 other (via)
Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to the little yellow thing. Numpty Physics is a drawing puzzle game in the spirit (and style?) of Crayon Physics using the same excellent Box2D engine. Note though that I've not actually played CP so the experience may be very different. Numpty Physics includes a built-in editor so that you may build (and submit) your own levels. Numpty Physics is released under the GPL.


Les joueurs au secours de la science |

by 1 other
On parle de plus en plus de “jeux sérieux” (serious game) qui stimuleraient l’apprentissage et la réflexion par le jeu (voir ce blog en français qui en suit l’actualité). Certains ont été plus loin et envisagent sérieusement d’employer l’activité ludique à des fins de recherche. Mais jusqu’ici, on s’intéressait plutôt dans ce domaine aux sciences sociales ou à la prospective. Les jeux peuvent-ils venir au secours de la recherche fondamentale en sciences “dures”, comme la physique ou la biologie ? C’est ce que pense David Baker, professeur de biochimie à l’université de Washington, qui vient de lancer sur le web un nouveau type de jeu “Foldit“.

WorldWideScience is a global science gateway—accelerating scientific discovery and progress through a multilateral partnership to enable federated searching of national and international scientific databases.

2007 - Science Connected

Allows you to find and connect with your peers

ARTIST - Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie, et si on en parlait ?

La revue a fêté en avril 2007 ses onze ans d’existence, c’est peu au regard de bien des revues de géographie, mais c’est beaucoup pour une revue entièrement électronique, alors que bon nombre d’entre elles n’ont pas tenu la route plus de deux ou trois ans


by 1 other (via)
Scintilla keeps you up to date with papers, news and science weblogs.

Freebase : Sign In

by 6 others (via)
Free Database = Freebase It's about film, sports, politics, music, science and everything else all connected together. Our contributors are collecting data from all over the internet to build a massive, collaboratively-edited database of cross-linked data. Its a big job and we're just getting started. » A partir de quand, et jusqu’où peut-on “libérer” les publications scientifiques ?

La publication, dans des archives ouvertes, ou “Libres“, des recherches financées sur fonds publics, gagne du terrain.

techXtra -

Find articles, key websites, books, the latest industry news, job announcements, ejournals, eprints, technical reports, the latest research, thesis & dissertations and more! In Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing


World Universities' ranking on the Web: Home

The major innovation of the current edition is the incorporation of Scholar data to the calculation of the Webometrics Rank (WR). During this year we have performed several experiments to improve the correlation between bibliometric and webometric data, testing different web indicators. Finally we decided to recover the WebIF ratio of 1:1 (visibility/size) in the WR calculation, adding the Scholar rank as described in the methodology.

ISTweb - Directorate E - Knowledge & Content Technologies - Events -IST Event 2006 - Strategies for Leadership

The IST Event 2006 is the main networking event and showcase covering research and development in information society technologies. This year's edition will coincide with the launch of the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development.

AMETIST - Accueil

AMETIST a pour vocation d’être une revue scientifique. Elle souhaite accueillir dans ses pages des contributions originales et inédites, proposées par des chercheurs et spécialistes de l’IST, mais aussi par des chercheurs d’autres communautés scientifiques qui portent un intérêt particulier à la question de la communication scientifique et qui trouveront là une tribune où témoigner de leurs pratiques, de leurs dispositifs ou de leur organisation et de leurs réflexions.

Nick Montfort's Computer and Information Science Work


Transformer l’or en kryptonite - Empyrée

Y aurait-il quelque part un élément encore plus stable que le plomb, mais qui n’existerait pas sur Terre ? Amusant à noter : cet élément « super-stable » est situé sous le plutonium (matériau extraordinairement radioactif) dans la table de Mendeleïev ; c’est pour cela qu’une ancienne convention de nommage le nomme eka-plutonium (qui a quand même plus de gueule que le nom latin d’unbihexium). Et puisqu’on en est dans les noms qui en jette, voilà encore mieux : kryptonite. Eh ! oui, 126 (sur les 137 qu’autorise la théorie) est le numéro atomique donné au fléau de Superman.

Wired News: AI Reaches the Golden Years

Artificial intelligence is 50 years old this summer, and while computers can beat the world's best chess players, we still can't get them to think like a 4-year-old. This week in Boston, some of the field's leading practitioners are gathering to examine this most ambitious of computer research fields, which at once has managed to exceed, and fall short of, our grandest expectations.


by 2 others (via)
Quick access to searches with a Firefox search plugin or a HubMed bookmarklet (drag to your browser's bookmarks toolbar). Export citations in RIS, BibTeX, RDF and MODS formats, or directly to RefWorks. Unzip HubMed's import filter into Endnote's Filters folder for direct import into Endnote, or install the RIS Export plugin for direct import into ProCite, RefMan and older versions of Endnote. Use the Citation Finder to convert reference lists from PDFs into search results. Create lists of closely related papers using Rank Relations, then visualise and browse clusters of related papers using TouchGraph (requires Java). Graph occurrences of keywords in published papers over time. Tag and store annotated metadata for articles of interest.

Un jour dans une France sans pétrole

by 1 other (via)
2050, Un jour dans une France sans pétrole. Un récit de science-fiction redevable pour la fiction à l’imagination d’Éric Le Braz et pour la science aux recherches sur les énergies, les transports et les technologies du futur.

Introduction to Presenting Scientific and Medical Data on the Web using Scalable Vector Graphics

by 2 others (via)
This document introduces presentation of scientific and medical data on the Web using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). It covers comparison with other technologies for similar purposes, integration of the SVG documents into HTML pages, explanation of the most basic possible examples, and the development of an example for interactive presentation of action potentials within the human nervous system. The intended audience is people in science and medicine wanting to present numerical or graphical material in an interactive way over the web.

Connotea: about

by 2 others
Connotea is a place to keep links to the articles you read and the websites you use, and a place to find them again. It is also a place where you can discover new articles and websites through sharing your links with other users. By saving your links and references to Connotea they are instantly on the web, which means that they are available to you from any computer and that you can point your friends and colleagues to them. In Connotea, every user's links are visible both to visitors and to every other user, and different users' libraries are linked together through the use of common tags or common bookmarks.

INIST- Rencontres des Professionnels de l’IST

Le site des Rencontres des Professionnels de l'Information Scientifique et Technique 2006.


OpenURL and Metasearch: New Standards, Current Innovations, and Future Directions - National Information Standards Organization (NISO)

NISO's OpenURL standard and Metasearch technologies are complementary tools that can powerfully improve the experience of today's information seeker. This series of workshops will take you from the foundations to the cutting edge of these new directions in information technology. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from leading experts and innovators.