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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag ruby


Launch Your Own Twitter Bot (PHP, Python, Ruby) - Addicted To 1’s and 0’s

In this post I’ll provide you with all the tools, source code and know-how to be able to build and launch your own twitter bot, and i’ll even give you resources to do it in the programming language of your choice.

brettstimmerman's jabber-bot at master - GitHub

Easily create simple regex powered Jabber bots.


Installer Passenger mod_rails sous Debian : Ergonomie, Rails et Architecture de l'information web (2.0)

L’absence sous Apache d’un modrails comme il existe un modphp y était certainement pour beaucoup, jusqu’à la sortie hier de Passenger, aussi appelé modrails.

Ruby's Cube: Convertir de l'utf-16 en iso-8859-1

Voilà l'exemple corrigé pour transfromer de l'UTF-16 vers de l'ISO-8859-1. Pour UTF-8 il suffit de remplacer 16 par 8 étonnant non ? ;)

gosu - Google Code

by 1 other
Gosu is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.


ConTEXT Programmers Editor - home

ConTEXT is a small, fast and powerful freeware text editor, developed mainly to serve as secondary tool for software developers.

Dev-rails - Lea Linux

by 2 others
Monter un projet Ruby On Rails (RoR) pas à pas.

The Xapian Project

by 10 others
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It's written in C , with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C#, and Ruby (so far!)


BackgrounDRb is a ruby job server and scheduler. It main intent is to be used with Ruby on Rails applications for offloading long running tasks. Since a rails application blocks while servicing a request it is best to move long running tasks off into a background process that is divorced from the http request/response cycle. » Installer Aptana Radrails IDE - Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

by 1 other
N’utilisant plus eclipse que pour RubyOnRails, j’ai décider d’abandonner la version principale d’Eclipse et d’installer la version Standalone de l’IDE Aptana. Voici comment faire pour accomplir proprement cette installation sous Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.

Data Noise


Le blog de Breek - Le comparatif de Rails, Django et CakePHP

by 2 others (via)
Choisir un framework peut être une tâche difficile ! Pour vous aider dans votre choix, nous avons effectué un benchmark fonctionnel couvrant Django, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP.

Welcome to OpenID Enabled! — OpenID Enabled

by 6 others (via)
From the developers of the Python-OpenID library and (where you can get an OpenID for free -- you can also choose from a number of other OpenID providers) this is a website by OpenID developers, for OpenID developers.


De PHP à Python et Ruby (en passant par C, Perl et Java) - dew's blog

by 3 others
quel langage choisir pour écrire un script d'usage courant en un minimum de temps, sans forcément prendre en considération les performances ?

#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !

Presque tous les articles écrit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide

by 8 others (via)
Programming Ruby The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide -- Ajax on Rails

by 12 others (via)
This article introduces the incredibly easy-to-use Ajax support that is part of the Ruby on Rails web application framework.

InstantRailsWiki: Instant Rails

by 14 others
Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL, all preconfigured and ready to run. No installer, you simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. It does not modify your system environment. See the Release Notes for a complete list of what is included.

Ruby on Rails

by 52 others (via)
Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.


Présentation de Ruby on Rails -

Une nouvelle technologie fait actuellement beaucoup parler d'elle sur Internet : Ruby on Rails. Basé sur le langage Ruby, Ruby on Rails est un framework permettant de construire des applications web, rapidement et proprement.


Bienvenue sur Ruby FR. Ce site francophone est dédié au développement avec le langage orienté objet Ruby.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag ruby

*** +   ajax +   apache +   bot +   c +   debug +   dev +   django +   encodage +   framework +   francophone +   gnu/gpl +   google +   gratuit +   greasemonkey +   guide +   ide +   identité +   internet +   iso8859-1 +   jabber +   java +   jeu +   linux +   logiciel +   mac +   manuel +   moteur de recherche +   mysql +   éditeur +   openid +   perl +   photo +   php +   python +   rails +   regex +   search +   serveur +   sécurité +   tcl +   technologie +   tâches +   tutoriel +   twitter +   ubuntu +   utf8 +   web +   webdev +   windows +   xml +   xmpp +   xsl +   zope +