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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag identité


GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy

GoogleSharing is a special kind of anonymizing proxy service, designed for a very specific threat. It ultimately aims to provide a level of anonymity that will prevent Google from tracking your searches, movements, and what websites you visit. GoogleSharing is not a full proxy service designed to anonymize all your traffic, but rather something designed exclusively for your communication with Google. Our system is totally transparent, with no special "alternative" websites to visit. Your normal work flow should be exactly the same.


ObjectWeb - FederId - Main - WebHome

FederID is the only solution of identity management and federation based on free softwares!

myOpenID for Domains

myOpenID for Domains is a new service that helps you give members of your small business, family, or organization an OpenID URL at your own domain. Members get all the features of myOpenID, but get a URL at your domain instead of at You still own the domain, we just host the identity pages and handle all of the other OpenID stuff.

Your Contacts, the Webby Way - knowee

by 1 other (via)
knowee is an open-source web contact organizer (or "online social graph manager" for better buzzword compliance). It's decentralized and lets you aggregate, track, organize, and share information about you and the people you know.

Yahoo! OpenID

by 1 other (via)
Yahoo! meets OpenID Log in to web sites with your Yahoo! account


OAuth — An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

by 13 others (via)
An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

Perpetual Motion

by 1 other
"FireFox Identity Selector Extension Windows CardSpace provides the ability for websites to request identity information. The support for using it is built into Internet Explorer, with Microsoft leaving the rest of the world to fill in the gaps on the other browsers and platforms". » Microsoft accepte d’être cloné pour mieux pouvoir nous identifier

by 1 other (via)
“Dans environ 18 mois, 60% des PC de la planète devraient disposer de logiciels CardSpace“, l’interface de gestion des identités et accès de Microsoft. Le propos, émanant de Kim Cameron, “architecte de l’identité” de Microsoft, a de quoi étonner

Expliquez-moi... OpenID, pour gérer son identité numérique - JDN Développeurs

by 1 other
OpenID fait partie de ces systèmes d'authentification personnelle gérée par l'utilisateur (user-centric identity), et il profite d'un regain de popularité depuis quelques mois, grâce à des implémentations permettant de se créer simplement une identité OpenID et clamer un site comme étant sien, ou même des services en ligne faisant usage des identités OpenID - comme les outils de blog de SixApart (MovableType, Vox et LiveJournal) ou prochainement sur Wikipedia par exemple.

OpenId et phishing sont dans un bateau... - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by 1 other
Suite aux commentaires de Bader relatifs aux problèmes de phishing, je me suis renseigné et je pense qu'il est nécessaire de mettre en garde les lecteurs un peu trop emballés par le premier billet. Il existe clairement un risque que je n'avais pas identifié plus tôt, faute d'exemples concrêts. Allons-y pour une mise en situation...

Welcome to OpenID Enabled! — OpenID Enabled

by 6 others (via)
From the developers of the Python-OpenID library and (where you can get an OpenID for free -- you can also choose from a number of other OpenID providers) this is a website by OpenID developers, for OpenID developers.

Comment utiliser OpenId, la solution d'identification tant attendue - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by 4 others
Cela fait un moment que je suis ça de loin et la sauce est en train de prendre, Tarek en parlait d'ailleurs récemment. OpenId permet de s'identifier via une simple URL sans pour autant être tributaire d'un service puisque vous pouvez avoir votre propre serveur gérant cette identité. Actuellement il y en a 4 « officiellement reconnus » mais rien ne vous empêche de créer le votre et mon petit doigt me dit qu'il ne va pas tarder à y en avoir à foison.

Welcome to MyOpenID

by 10 others
A MyOpenID account lets you use any OpenID enabled website. That means no more boring registration, with only one password to remember.


MicroID - Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity

by 15 others (via)
MicroID is a new Identity layer to the web and Microformats that allows anyone to simply claim verifiable ownership over their own pages and content hosted anywhere. The technology is radically simple and capable of empowering new and unique meta services with only minor effort.

Pavatar - Recognize me!

by 11 others (via)
The Personal Avatar (aka Pavatar) is a personal picture hosted on your webspace which is then used by websites to display whenever referring to content provided by YOU, the user. An example would be if you made a comment or a site posting where an avatar is required. This way, delivering your Personal Avatar is peripheral and can be (nearly) anonymous. This option inhibits companies from collecting personal information about your habits on the web.

Favatar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A favatar is a small icon ("favicon") associated with a web server, used as a visual representation ("avatar") of a person associated with the server. The name is derived from "favicon" (itself a contraction of "favorites icon") and "avatar". (It is also a play on name of the free avatar service known as Gravatar.) - Manage your online identity

by 14 others (via)
claimID lets you track, verify, classify, annotate, prioritize and share the information that is about you online.

FractalWikiFR: ClaimID

by 1 other (via)
un guide en une minute pour les super-stars de l'internet. vous donnera le suivi des détails de l'interface utilisateur en français de ClaimID.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag identité

avatar +   cardspace +   communication +   dev +   extension +   firefox +   free +   google +   hébergement +   image +   microformat +   microsoft +   open source +   openid +   outils +   perl +   php +   python +   rdf +   référence +   ruby +   services +   sécurité +   SPARQL +   standard +   vie privée +   web +   webdev +   yahoo +