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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "gnu linux" & "livecd linux"

29 July 2008 08:00

29 July 2008 06:00

Home Musix GNU Linux

Musix es el resultado del trabajo colaborativo de toda una comunidad de usuarios y programadores. Es un Sistema Operativo Multimedia 100% Libre destinado a músicos, técnicos sonidistas, DJs, cineastas, diseñadores gráficos, y usuarios en general: una enorme colección de programas libres que pueden reemplazar Windows. (Más detalles: Breves / Descarga el Live-CD / Entrevista / Video-Demo)

14 June 2008 19:00


Because the liberty and the equality of access to the IT are important in our society, OFSET is actively promoting and developing free software for schools. To understand how and under what conditions OFSET is working to reach this objective, we invite you to read carefully the OFSET Manifesto and Charter. To consult the projects we are working on, you can take a look at our Project pages. In case you are interested becoming an OFSET active member, our Members pages are dedicated to that topic. To chat about these subjects in real time, you can join us in our mailing list or in our IRC channel #ofset at (connect to #ofset).

How to get Freeduc-cd?

by 4 others
You have two options to get the Freeduc-cd. You can download it or you can get it in the form of a cute packaging with written instructions (only French for now but the CD is international) by becoming an OFSET member. Download We provide on the net the ISO images of the auto executable and source CD-ROM. The auto executable CD-ROM is hosted at Source Forge, the source CD-ROM are hosted by ourselves. * The Freeduc-cd: download here; * The sources of Freeduc-cd; * Documentation in development at Packaged freeduc-cd We want to encourage people to join the OFSET to support the development of free software in education. Therefore we annually offer a packaged version of the freeduc-cd to the OFSET members. To know how to become an OFSET member look at our members page. Additionally, the CD-ROM of the source codes can be provided in exchange of a fee covering the charge. We keep copy of those CD and we are be able to provide them as long as it is necessary. If you distribute the Freeduc executable CD, you must also distribute the Freeduc source CD or you must make an offer to get the physical CD, in order to comply with section 3 of the GNU GPL .

10 October 2007 07:00

14 September 2007 19:00

Puppy live-CD

I tried lots of Linuxes on my PC. All are too slow. LiveCD are better. But the Puppy is unbelievably fast (it reminded me BeOS 5PE system - a unique one). I give a word to use only Puppy for the future. No.1 ! *

09 August 2007 00:00

25 June 2007 21:00

Knoppix Linux

by 3 others
EU AQUI COM ACADEMIA Knoppix is a Live Linux CD based on Debian GNU/Linux This website is about Knoppix, a Free and Open Source Live Linux CD. Knoppix is a GNU/Linux distribution that boots and runs completely from cd. It includes recent linux software and desktop environments, with programs such as, Abiword, The Gimp, Konqueror, Mozilla, Apache, PHP, MySQL and hundreds of other quality open source programs. If you would like to learn more about Knoppix, you could look at the FAQ's and Documentation, discuss it in the forums, or just try it out! You can download it ( 700MB ) or buy it from a CD distributor, on the download / buy page. is a resource for users, developers, and testers of Knoppix. The official website for Knoppix is on Klaus Knopper's website, at

13 June 2007 16:00

gparted sourceforge livecd

by 5 others
LiveCD The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD uses Xorg, the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel.

Linux Downloads Directory GParted LiveCD

GParted LiveCD 0.3.4-7 in Distributions / Live Votes: 4 Submitted by ozar on 2006-06-18 Update by ozar on 2007-05-20 The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD uses Xorg, the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel. Being up to date is important! GParted LiveCD will be updated along side the GParted source releases and have minor releases when bugs are fixed or new filesystem tools become available. GParted LiveCD runs on most x86 machines with a PII or better. Homepage: Download: Tags: live-cd partitioning gparted Required Distribution: No