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Get Ubuntu | Download | Ubuntu

Ubuntu downloads Ubuntu Desktop › Download Ubuntu desktop and replace your current operating system whether it’s Windows or Mac OS, or, run Ubuntu alongside it. Do you want to upgrade? Follow our simple guide

Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 Edition (Book + Audio CD) [2009, PDF, mp3] ::

Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 Edition (Book + Audio CD) pic Год выпуска: 2009 Автор: Kaplan Издательство: Kaplan Publishing, New York Формат: PDF, mp3 Качество: Отсканированные страницы Аудио: 128 kbps, 44.1 KHz, 2 channels Количество страниц: 311 Описание: The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam gauges students' English language comprehension by testing their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills for entrance into universities, non-academic business settings, and immigration tests. Students' reading and writing skills are tested either using an academic or general module depending on whether the test taker plans to pursue academic studies or apply their English skills to the business world exclusively. Regardless of which module the student takes, our book provides a comprehensive review of each of the exam's four sections in order to best prepare students for the exam.

[Pearson IT Certification] Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) [2017, ENG] ::

Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) pic Год выпуска: 2017 Производитель: Pearson IT Certification Сайт производителя: Автор: Sander van Vugt Продолжительность: 14:14:38 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: Topics include the following: Module 1: Essential Commands Module 2: User and Group Management and Permissions Module 3: Networking Module 4: Operating Running Systems Module 5: Storage Management Module 6: Service Configuration Module 7: Managing Virtualization

The leading operating system for PCs, IoT devices, servers and the cloud | Ubuntu

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS out now Optimised for multi-cloud infrastructure, machine learning, AI and software development


KDE Partition Manager

KDE Partition Manager 1.0.1 KDE System Tool Link: Link other: Link Depends on: KDE 4.x Downloads: 12344 Submitted: Sep 18 2008 Updated: Jan 10 2010 Score: score94%94%score 94% good bad good Description: KDE Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and restore partitions. KDE Partition Manager supports a large number of file systems, including ext2/3/4, reiserfs, NTFS, FAT16/32, jfs, xfs and more. It makes use of external programs to get its job done, so you might have to install additional software (preferably packages from your distribution) to make use of all features and get full support for all file systems. KDE Partition Manager is also available as a bootable Live CD

eyeOS Brasil

eyeOS Qual é eyeOS? eyeOS é o Sistema Operacional Cloud Computing. Trabalho on-line ou pessoalmente, colaborativamente, com seus arquivos, escritório, calendário, contatos e muito mais. Seus dados é seguro e sempre disponível – eyeOS é Software Livre! Porque é que o eyeOS Software Livre? A ideia de eyeOS é criar uma fonte livre, aberta (AGPLv3) produto fácil de instalar em um servidor web para que você terá seu próprio sistema sobre nuvem e totalmente em seu controle. Você também pode participar de uma grande comunidade de usuários e programadores, capazes de criar seus próprios aplicativos. Bem-vindo ao projeto eyeOS Brasil. E se eu quiser usar eyeOS agora? Se você não quiser instalar eyeOS no seu próprio servidor, você pode criar uma conta no nosso servidor público gratuito e começar a usar o eyeOS agora. Basta ir para e descobrir o poder do eyeOS.


Mostrar íconos en menú sistema – Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala | Ubunlog

Mostrar íconos en menú sistema – Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Por suerte, hay una solución, en una terminal debemos tipear el comando que sigue gconftool-2 --type Boolean --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons True Fuente | rm – rf/

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

A Comunidade Ubuntu-BR é formada por pessoas voluntárias que visam contribuir com o sistema e com seus usuários, buscando interagir umas com as outras prestando suporte, divulgando, participando de eventos e compartilhando do espírito Ubuntu. Se você quer participar desta comunidade, Saiba como. Código de Conduta O Código de Conduta do Ubuntu rege o comportamento de todos os membros da Comunidade Ubuntu, em qualquer fórum, lista de discussão, wiki, site, canal de irc, install-fest, encontros públicos ou correspondências privadas. O Conselho Comunitário do Ubuntu irá arbitrar em qualquer discussão sobre a conduta de um membro da comunidade. Para estar de acordo, você precisa ler atentamente e assiná-lo. Conselho O Conselho Ubuntu Brasil é formado por 3 membros oficiais do Ubuntu, responsável por tomar decisões que afetarão direta ou inderetamente o futuro da comunidade, arbitrar nos assuntos relacionados a imagem da comunidade e no comportamento de seus membros, bem como representar oficialmente a distribuição em território nacional. Os membros do Conselho são: * André Gondim * Fabio Nogueira * Laudeci Oliveira Para entrar em contato com o Conselho, utilize o email conselho©

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

Grupos Regionais Os Grupos Regionais são células de representação da comunidade Ubuntu nos diversos estados brasileiros. Neles você poderá encontrar usuários do Ubuntu Linux que residem no mesmo estado e cidade e até mesmo bairro que você. Os grupos organizam listas de discussões próprias, eventos, install fest e outras confraternizações e iniciativas, sendo uma forma muito interessante de se fazer novos amigos, contatos e trocas de experiências profissionais, culturais e sociais. Entre em contato com o Grupo Regional do seu estado e ajude na divulgação do Ubuntu GNU/Linux no seu bairro, faculdade, escola, cidade, empresa... espalhe o espírito Ubuntu! Usuários Mapa de usuários do Ubuntu no Brasil mostra a localização geográfica de usuários do Ubuntu no território nacional, qualquer um pode adicionar seu nome no mapa. Ubuntu-BR no Launchpad Time de Usuários Brasileiros do Ubuntu no Launchpad. Para participar deste time é necessário que o usuário esteja de acordo e tenha assinado o Código de Conduta. Locais * Fórum * Listas de discussão * Planeta (agregador de blogs)

Support - Xandros

Support Every commercial Xandros product includes Basic level support to make sure you get your system installed and configured properly. This support site also includes an FAQ section which addresses common issues and there are user forums for each of the products where forum members provide assistance to each other. If these resources don't enable you to resolve your issue, you may need to contact our technical support people. Depending on the nature and timing of your problem, your request may fall within your Basic level support. However, if you require more advanced assistance or if your support request is outside the allowable time frame for Basic support, pay-for-support options are available on annual subscription and per incident support basis. The following table provides a brief summary of the different options. Refer to the detailed Server SLA and Desktop SLA for a comprehensive comparison list. Note: For ASUS Eee PC support, please visit the ASUS Eee PC Support Center

Manuais do sidux - Modo Live (RO)

Modo Live - senha do root Favor observar: 1 - Sempre que quiser executar qualquer coisa com permissões de root, saiba o que está fazendo! 2 - Para navegação web com LAN, não é necessário o uso do root para nada. No LiveCD do sidux, a senha de root não está configurada. Se você tiver de rodar um programa que exija privilégios de root, você tem várias opções: Criar uma senha temporária Abra um terminal e digite: :: debian based live cd development

What is sidux? - Debian Hot & Spicy! sidux is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's most modern branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications. This is where sidux starts – join us! You're new to sidux? No problem – continue here. Current release: sidux-2009-01 Ουρανός Look at the current release plan JPhotoAlbum: Files

JPhotoAlbum is a Java desktop application for quick browsing, organizing and commenting digital photographs and publishing the resulting albums as web pages. Albums are saved in XML formatted files which are transformed to HTML with XML stylesheets JPhotoAlbum: Files

You have selected the 1.3.0 release. Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files contained in this release.

Xfce - Desktop Environment

About Xfce "Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources." - Olivier Fourdan, creator of Xfce Xfce 4.6 embodies the traditional UNIX philosophy of modularity and re-usability. It consists of a number of components that together provide the full functionality of the desktop environment. They are packaged separately and you can pick and choose from the available packages to create the best personal working environment.


Xubuntu | Ubuntu

Xubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the Xfce desktop environment. It is intended for users with less-powerful computers, or those that require a highly efficient desktop environment on faster systems. Xubuntu features primarily GNOME applications. Xubuntu Desktop When you start your system for the first time you'll see a desktop that is clean and tidy with and a default theme that is easy on the eye.

Xubuntu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xubuntu is an official derivative of the Ubuntu operating system, using the Xfce desktop environment. Xubuntu's goals are to "provide an easy to use distribution (...) with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus on low memory footprint (...) based around the ideals and values of Ubuntu." Because the Xfce desktop environment uses fewer system resources, Xubuntu is often used on older computers or systems with limited resources.

Tour | Xubuntu

Xubuntu is a full-featured operating system with which you can get started right away - no need to install additional software for most day-to-day tasks. Customizable It's easy to customize Xubuntu to match your personal tastes. It takes but a few clicks to change the theme, amount and location of panels, font, and more. Install panel plugins and more applications for additional functionality using the application installer. Finding new software is a breeze and installation is just a click away. Once applications are installed, updates can be downloaded and installed automatically

Webmin Installation and Configuration in Ubuntu Linux

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms (and Java for the File Manager module), you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use no non-standard Perl modules.

How to use Magic System Request Keys in Ubuntu Linux -- Ubuntu Geek

The magic SysRq keys are key combinations within the Linux kernel that allows the user to perform various low level commands regardless of the system’s state, except during kernel panics or freezes. It is often used to recover from X-Server freezes, or to reboot a computer without corrupting the filesystem. Restarting Ubuntu safely when it is frozen

Features | Ubuntu Desktop Edition

Web Browsing Ubuntu comes by default, with the latest browser from Mozilla; Firefox 3 Beta 5. Firefox has quickly become one of the most popular browsers being used on millions of desktops throughout the world. The version on Ubuntu has been specifically themed for the operating system and uses familiar looking icons so browsing is the smooth experience that users should expect. And as we get more of our applications and other content through the web this is more important than ever. New features in Firefox 3 Enhanced bookmarking, tagging and history. Bookmarking a page simply means clicking on the empty star in the location bar. Clicking again allows you to file the the bookmark in the correct folder for better organisation.


O ReactOS é um sistema operativo que irá ser totalmente compatível com o Microsoft Windows, quer a nível de programas, quer a nível de drivers. Actualmente, ainda está em desenvolvimento, e falta muito para ser poder ser usado como o sistema operativo principal.