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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "gnu linux" & os

November 2008

Tour | Xubuntu

Xubuntu is a full-featured operating system with which you can get started right away - no need to install additional software for most day-to-day tasks. Customizable It's easy to customize Xubuntu to match your personal tastes. It takes but a few clicks to change the theme, amount and location of panels, font, and more. Install panel plugins and more applications for additional functionality using the application installer. Finding new software is a breeze and installation is just a click away. Once applications are installed, updates can be downloaded and installed automatically

February 2008

October 2007

Gobuntu | Ubuntu

Gobuntu is a GNU/Linux operating system, derived from Ubuntu, that endeavors to adhere to the Free Software Foundations four freedoms and intends to provide a base for other free software platforms to build upon with minimal modification required. It does this by only including open-source non-restricted software JavaSolitaire

Project Admins: fbergeron Operating System: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language) License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Category: Games/Entertainment

September 2007

Debian -- O Sistema Operacional Universal

O que é o Debian? O Debian é um sistema operacional (SO) livre para seu computador. Um sistema operacional é um conjunto de programas básicos e utilitários que fazem seu computador funcionar. O Debian usa o kernel (núcleo de um sistema operacional), Linux, mas a maior parte das ferramentas do SO vêm do projeto GNU; daí o nome GNU/Linux. O Debian GNU/Linux é mais que um simples SO: ele vem com mais de 18733 pacotes contendo softwares pré-compilados e distribuídos em um bom formato, que torna fácil a instalação deles na sua máquina.

openSUSE 10.2 from NOVELL®

openSUSE® 10.2 For rich, reliable and secure home computing, there's no better choice than openSUSE 10.2. It features an easy-to-install Linux operating system that lets you browse the Web, send e-mail, chat with friends, organize digital photos, play movies and songs, and create documents and spreadsheets. You can even use it to host a Web site or blog, create a home network and develop your own applications. More

August 2007 Files

GnuWin32 provides Win32-versions of GNU tools, or tools with a similar open source licence. The ports are native ports, that is they rely only on libraries provided with any 32-bits MS-Windows operating system, such as MS-Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP

June 2007

enlightenment livecd

by 2 others
Elive is a complete operating system for your computer. It's the perfect choice for replacing your proprietary, high-cost system. It is built on top of Debian GNU/Linux and customized to meet your needs for a complete operating system while still offering the user eye-candy with minimal hardware requirements.

Knoppix Linux

by 3 others
EU AQUI COM ACADEMIA Knoppix is a Live Linux CD based on Debian GNU/Linux This website is about Knoppix, a Free and Open Source Live Linux CD. Knoppix is a GNU/Linux distribution that boots and runs completely from cd. It includes recent linux software and desktop environments, with programs such as, Abiword, The Gimp, Konqueror, Mozilla, Apache, PHP, MySQL and hundreds of other quality open source programs. If you would like to learn more about Knoppix, you could look at the FAQ's and Documentation, discuss it in the forums, or just try it out! You can download it ( 700MB ) or buy it from a CD distributor, on the download / buy page. is a resource for users, developers, and testers of Knoppix. The official website for Knoppix is on Klaus Knopper's website, at

kalango linux

Comunicado Sobre o Futuro do Kalango Linux . Olá, . Venho por meio desta esclarecer e informar algumas coisas sobre o futuro do Kalango Linux. Antes de mais nada,gostaria de lembrar que o Kalango é uma distribuição GNU/Linux Live-CD com quase 4 anos de existência e que já foi capa de revistas 4 vezes, sendo que a primeira vez não chegou a ser nem uma versão final. .

gparted sourceforge livecd download

You have selected to download gparted-livecd Below is a list of releases and files contained in this package. Before downloading, you may want to read the release notes.

gparted sourceforge livecd

by 5 others
LiveCD The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD uses Xorg, the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel.

freespire downloads

Download Freespire 1.0.13 via BitTorrent You must have a BitTorrent program installed to use this option. Please refer to the help page which explains how to use BitTorrent. Released on August 7, 2006 Download: Freespire-i386-1.0.13-Install Version: 1.0.13 Size: 686 MB MD5 Checksum: 567fe26b5e95ff5da6079a72ceddd418 Disc Labels: JPEG | EPS


by 5 others
Xubuntu Home Page Welcome to Xubuntu! Xubuntu is a complete GNU/Linux based operating system with an Ubuntu base. It is lighter on system requirements and tends to be more efficient than Ubuntu with GNOME or KDE, since it uses the Xfce Desktop environment, which makes it ideal for old or low-end machines, thin-client networks, or for those who would like to get more performance out of their hardware


O Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS foi liberado. Ele está disponível para o download ou se você quiser, poderá solicitar seus CD's do Kubuntu atravez do Shipit. O Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS vem com KDE 3.5.2 e inclui um novo instalador gráfico chamado Ubiquity que lhe permite instalar direto do Live CD do Kubuntu. O Kubuntu 6.06.1 é focado na estabilidade, correção de problemas e num maior tempo de duração e suporte sendo que a versão para desktop terá suporte de 3 anos e 5 anos para a versão servidor.

March 2007


by 14 others
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. Click on the link below to find out more about the operating system that is causing a revolution in the world of computers