public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags vintage & "graphic resource"





vintage wallpapers and wallcovering


Charles Rupert - William Morris - Wallpapers & Fabrics

William Morris was famous for his distinctive wallpaper and fabric designs. Charles Rupert Designs has gathered a wide collection of his designs for you that are still available today. The patterns have never been out of production since being designed in the late 1800's, attesting to the timeless appeal of the original designs. Suitable for all houses, Morris' designs are especially at home in Arts & Crafts interiors.

Tick Tock Toys - Archives & Galleries

by 1 other
Archives and Galleries - a cavalcade of images and ideas


fast food in the 70's, Jack in the Box, Pup n Taco, Burger Chef, etc.

Pulp Fiction - a photoset on Flickr

by 1 other
Vintage classics and rejects of the paperback pulp fiction (and non-fiction) genre.

Electronic Games

This is a photograph of the inside of Coleco's Electronic Quarterback, illustrating the electronic components which make a hand held electronic game functional. According to H.J. Blumenthal in his book The Complete Guide To Electronic Games (Scarborough, Ontario: New American Library, 1981, pp.4-5), over 300 million electronic games were sold between 1976 and 1980. He views electronic games as an outgrowth of public interest in electronic calculators, digital watches, pocket language translators, videotext, digital sound, and personal computers.


The Retrobabes Gallery !

by 3 others
From vintage pinups, to 80s glamour queens, no matter who you had a crush on growing up, you're bound to find a beautiful lady here that you adore.Off the top of my head I'd have to say it's a tie between Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, and Julie Newmar. My first crush was in Kindergarten when I had the hots for Lindsay Wagner, The Bionic Woman (who I keep putting off making a gallery of, cause it better be just right). I remember my mom found a picture I drew of me kissing her and it said, "I Love Lindsay Wagner." How embarrassing is that? Enjoy!

Winkler Collection of Boxing Photographs

The Harry E. Winkler Photographic Collection includes more than 7,500 different boxing related images in various formats.

45 tours de rock français des années 70/80

by 3 others (via)
A l'intérieur, des centaines de 45 tours de rock français des années 70/80 avec extrait son 30s sur chaque disque, pochettes recto/verso et rondelles plein écran, infos diverses, navigation interactive etc...

The Retro Kid Pool - Pedro in Brazil

illustrated children's books from the mid-1940's through the mid-1960's, by Mary Blair, JP Miller, The Provensen's, Art Seiden, Aurelius Battaglia, and the like.Also, also anything that was illustrated for kids at that time: albums, 45's, commericals, ads, games, toys, etc. If it's retro, and it looks cool, let's see it!

The DeMoulin Bros. Catalog

by 3 others
"Burlesque and Side Degree Specialties, Paraphernalia and Costumes."In 1930 if you need an electric chair, a spanking machine or the Big Busy Bertha...