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September 2009

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

A Comunidade Ubuntu-BR é formada por pessoas voluntárias que visam contribuir com o sistema e com seus usuários, buscando interagir umas com as outras prestando suporte, divulgando, participando de eventos e compartilhando do espírito Ubuntu. Se você quer participar desta comunidade, Saiba como. Código de Conduta O Código de Conduta do Ubuntu rege o comportamento de todos os membros da Comunidade Ubuntu, em qualquer fórum, lista de discussão, wiki, site, canal de irc, install-fest, encontros públicos ou correspondências privadas. O Conselho Comunitário do Ubuntu irá arbitrar em qualquer discussão sobre a conduta de um membro da comunidade. Para estar de acordo, você precisa ler atentamente e assiná-lo. Conselho O Conselho Ubuntu Brasil é formado por 3 membros oficiais do Ubuntu, responsável por tomar decisões que afetarão direta ou inderetamente o futuro da comunidade, arbitrar nos assuntos relacionados a imagem da comunidade e no comportamento de seus membros, bem como representar oficialmente a distribuição em território nacional. Os membros do Conselho são: * André Gondim * Fabio Nogueira * Laudeci Oliveira Para entrar em contato com o Conselho, utilize o email conselho©

August 2009

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

Grupos Regionais Os Grupos Regionais são células de representação da comunidade Ubuntu nos diversos estados brasileiros. Neles você poderá encontrar usuários do Ubuntu Linux que residem no mesmo estado e cidade e até mesmo bairro que você. Os grupos organizam listas de discussões próprias, eventos, install fest e outras confraternizações e iniciativas, sendo uma forma muito interessante de se fazer novos amigos, contatos e trocas de experiências profissionais, culturais e sociais. Entre em contato com o Grupo Regional do seu estado e ajude na divulgação do Ubuntu GNU/Linux no seu bairro, faculdade, escola, cidade, empresa... espalhe o espírito Ubuntu! Usuários Mapa de usuários do Ubuntu no Brasil mostra a localização geográfica de usuários do Ubuntu no território nacional, qualquer um pode adicionar seu nome no mapa. Ubuntu-BR no Launchpad Time de Usuários Brasileiros do Ubuntu no Launchpad. Para participar deste time é necessário que o usuário esteja de acordo e tenha assinado o Código de Conduta. Locais * Fórum * Listas de discussão * Planeta (agregador de blogs)

March 2009

K Desktop Environment - Educational applications and Games

Learn and Discover with the KDE Educational applications Desktop Planetarium, KStars, provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. It can control telescopes and has many tools for the amateur or professional astronomer. This new version now shows millions of stars, can predict conjunctions and has a Sky Calendar. If you start it for the first time, a welcome wizard will show. After choosing your location, you can click the "Download Extra Data..." to select additional star and image data to install. Millions of stars are available in the packages, as well as inline thumbnail images which show images of objects right on the sky. There are several interesting educational applications of this program as well. Pushing "CTRL-F" will bring up the find dialog. Type a name of a heavenly object to find it, like the moon. You might want to turn off "Toggle opaque ground" (most right button on the toolbar) to see the object if it is below the horizon. If you now choose "Equatorial coordinates" by hitting the space bar and set the time per second in the toolbar to 1 hour, watch. The moon moves - but, seen from the equitorial, not in a horizontal line! Why is that? The reason is that the earth spins, but not entirely as you might expect: there is a tilt and a wobble to the spin of the earth, and thus the observer moves up and down... Making science visible to children in such a way is a strong tool in the classroom, and this is a truly educational application. And it is not just for children, so be sure to have a look at this application if you are interested in astronomy!

K Desktop Environment - Extended Development Platform

Educational Applications and Games Overview The KDE development platform contains common UI widgets, but also libraries for interaction with hardware, multimedia, configuration and network transparency, among others. Some changes affect most or all the KDE applications. The most notable of these improvements include: The 'file open' and 'file save' dialogs have been touched up. Using the same infrastructure as Dolphin, they now also include a zoom slider and can show file previews. Sharing such user interface elements ensures a smooth and consistent user experience.

K Desktop Environment - Applications Leap Forward

The file manager, Dolphin, has seen several changes that affect your work flow and make file management more efficient. Folders and tabs can open automatically when you drag a file over them, making it easier to organize your files. You can also navigate with the Breadcrumb bar. And if you want, you can have that Breadcrumb bar always display the full path. To configure this, go to the "Dolphin Preferences" in the Settings menu and put a tick in front of the "Show full path inside location bar". You can enter a custom location in the Breadcrumb bar by clicking on the right of it, and selecting "edit". Revert it to its former state by clicking the yellow icon on the far right. Like with all text input fields in KDE, you can select a line of text and middle click in the field to add the selected text at that position. If you middle-click-paste text onto the "Clear text" icon (left facing black arrow) on the right, the current location will be replaced.

February 2008

October 2007

September 2007

kubuntu wiki

Kubuntu and Ubuntu are not meant to be seen as distinct projects; Kubuntu is part of the Ubuntu project, and they are both part of one development team that contributes to the whole. Kubuntu is Ubuntu with a different default setup, the Ubuntu CD contains only GNOME as a desktop environment; the Kubuntu CD contains only KDE, this is the primary difference.


by 8 others
Kubuntu is a user friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment. With a predictable 6 month release cycle and part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu is the GNU/Linux distribution for everyone.

August 2007

GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection

by 1 other
The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...). We strive to provide regular, high quality releases, which we want to work well on a variety of native and cross targets (including GNU/Linux), and encourage everyone to contribute changes and help testing GCC. Our sources are readily and freely available via SVN and weekly snapshots. Major decisions about GCC are made by the steering committee, guided by the mission statement.

June 2007


by 5 others
Xubuntu Home Page Welcome to Xubuntu! Xubuntu is a complete GNU/Linux based operating system with an Ubuntu base. It is lighter on system requirements and tends to be more efficient than Ubuntu with GNOME or KDE, since it uses the Xfce Desktop environment, which makes it ideal for old or low-end machines, thin-client networks, or for those who would like to get more performance out of their hardware


O Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS foi liberado. Ele está disponível para o download ou se você quiser, poderá solicitar seus CD's do Kubuntu atravez do Shipit. O Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS vem com KDE 3.5.2 e inclui um novo instalador gráfico chamado Ubiquity que lhe permite instalar direto do Live CD do Kubuntu. O Kubuntu 6.06.1 é focado na estabilidade, correção de problemas e num maior tempo de duração e suporte sendo que a versão para desktop terá suporte de 3 anos e 5 anos para a versão servidor.

March 2007