public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags iphone & maps


gps4cam - the geotag app for iPhone. | The app that brings geotagging to every camera!

by 1 other
Geotag the photos you take with your favorite digital camera. Thanks to gps4cam, you will never again waste your time trying to find out where you took a specific picture – from now on, all your photos will be localized! The App works with all camera brands and there is no need to synchronize manually your camera and your iPhone. What’s more, you can use gps4cam without connecting to a network, which is perfect for trips abroad.


Apple Buys Their Very Own Maps Company (See Ya, Google Maps) - placebase - Gizmodo

The Apple/Google divorce continues to come into focus: Apple quietly bought Placebase, a mapping service company, back in July. Apple doesn't buy companies it's not going to use. Meaning, Apple's getting into making their own maps. Peace out, Google.