public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags python & framework

12 February 2007

22 January 2007

Le blog de Breek - Le comparatif de Rails, Django et CakePHP

by 2 others (via)
Choisir un framework peut être une tâche difficile ! Pour vous aider dans votre choix, nous avons effectué un benchmark fonctionnel couvrant Django, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP.

19 January 2007

The Django Book

by 7 others
Welcome to the online version of The Django Book, a free book about Django.

11 January 2007

TurboGears: Front-to-Back Web Development

by 15 others (via)
Create a database-driven, ready-to-extend application in minutes. All with designer friendly templates, easy AJAX on the browser side and on the server side, not a single SQL query in sight with code that is as natural as writing a function.