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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag svn



by 1 other (via)
RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems you use. Currently, it is integrated into the Nautilus file manager and only supports Subversion, but our goal is to incorporate other version control systems as well as other file managers. RabbitVCS is inspired by TortoiseSVN and others.


InDefero - Bug tracking, code review and free software forge

by 1 other (via)
InDefero is a simple to use software forge. Save you and your team time and track bugs, provide downloads, documentation and have an easy overview of your code base.


Ce programme, comme son nom l'indique, propose une interface web d'administration de dépôts SVN indépendants. Très pratique pour déléguer les tâches d'administration des dépôts aux différents développeurs.


Effectively Using Git With Subversion | Web Development Blog: Web Development Insights, Best Practices, Tips & Techniques : Viget Labs

by 1 other
The integration between git and Subversion (git-svn) is so well done that several of us have been using git as our interface to all our Subversion repositories. Doing this is fairly simple, but there are some interesting tricks, and so I thought I would share a day in the Viget life with git-svn.


Installer un dépôt Subversion sous Ubuntu - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by 2 others
Ce billet était parti pour être une critique du livre Subversion, Pratique du développement collaboratif avec SVN mais je pense qu'il est finalement plus intéressant de prendre un exemple concrêt comme il est suggéré dans le titre du livre, l'apprentissage de Subversion passe surtout par la pratique. Ayant quelques petits scripts à mon actif, c'était le moment où jamais de m'y mettre !

HomePage - SVK Wiki

by 2 others (via)
svk is a decentralized version control system built with the robust Subversion filesystem. It supports repository mirroring, disconnected operation, history-sensitive merging, and integrates with other version control systems, as well as popular visual merge tools.


Migrer un dépot subversion - Digital Fashion

by 1 other
Imaginons que vous souhaitiez déplacer votre dépôt subversion myproject d'une machine old-server à une machine new-server. Vite fait, bien fait:

Cheat Sheets

by 7 others (via)
cheat sheets (also known as reference cards) that you can print out and keep by your computer. There is a cheat sheet for just about anything and we aim to have the best coverage of cheat sheets available on the web.

Passer de CVS à Subversion - JDN Développeurs

Subversion, extension du célèbre outil de contrôle de version, apporte suffisamment d'innovations, tout en restant proche de son prédécesseur, pour justifier de sauter le pas. La transition pas à pas.

SVN - A Quick Start

a very short introduction to Subversion

XSteve's Subversion page

by 1 other (via)
psvn.el is a subversion interface for emacs. It provides a similar functionality as pcl-cvs for cvs:

by 1 other
cvs2svn is a Python script that converts a CVS repository to a Subversion repository. It is designed for one-time conversions, not for repeated synchronizations between CVS and Subversion. -- Converting from CVS to Subversion with cvs2svn

This article will walk you through the technical process of converting your CVS repository to Subversion--from deciding how much data to take with you, to prepping your data, to reviewing the most common options that you'll use in your conversion.

HOWTO: smooth CVS to SVN migration (and back again)

by 3 others
This page explains how I migrated the VideoLAN CVS repositories to Subversion while still allowing anonymous CVS access for users who did not want to move to Subversion. If you are a CVS user and have not yet fallen in love with Subversion, I suggest you have a look at this excellent project. In fact, I recommend to be familiar with Subversion before reading this document, because I may have missed important things.

SitePoint Blogs » Using SVN for Web Development

by 4 others
As CVS is quite dated and Subversion (SVN) introduced some handy features (atomic transactions, Apache piggybacking, more convenient branching/tagging, tons of other improvements), we chose to go with SVN. The big question was: how to use it correctly?


SubVersion #ProgX

by 2 others
De plus en plus aujourd'hui les équipes de développement sont confrontés à des problèmes de gestion des codes sources. En effet, il n'est pas rare qu'un développement connaisse des divergeances au cours de son évolution qu'elles soient voulues ou accidentelles. Cela amène bien souvent à des discordances voire des corruptions dans les repositories des codes sources. Pour faire face à ce problème, nous avons vu emmerger depuis quelques années des systèmes dits de "versionning" permettant de gerer de manière semi-automatique les versions et releases de codes sources. Dans cet article, nous allons en l'occurence parler de SubVersion ou SVN pour les intimes.

Version Control with Subversion

by 34 others (via)
This is the online home of Version Control with Subversion, a free book about Subversion, a new version control system designed to supplant CVS.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag svn

apache +   couleur +   css +   cvs +   dev +   dspace +   emacs +   forge +   free +   git +   gnu/gpl +   gratuit +   html +   installation +   java +   javascript +   langage c +   linux +   livre +   mercurial +   migration +   mysql +   open source +   outils +   perl +   php +   pkgi +   projet +   pxxo +   python +   référence +   ror +   shell +   tutoriel +   ubuntu +   unix +   vb +   web +   xhtml +   xsl +