public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags firefox & sécurité



Content Security Policy : les prochains Firefox seront mieux protégés contre les XSS - Clochix

by 1 other
Brandon Sterne, qui travaille sur la sécurité de Firefox, vient d'annoncer que des versions de développement de Firefox intégrant la spécification Content Security Policy sont disponibles depuis quelques jours. Cette spécification est une proposition de Mozilla pour renforcer la sécurité des navigateurs contre les attaques de type XSS.


Extensions/MagicPasswordGenerator - Arantius - Trac

You remember one master password. (It is not stored anywhere, don't forget it!) Then, with a (somewhat simple) cryptographic hash function, the extension combines your master password and the domain name of the site to make another unique password for that site. The password is not saved in Firefox, or anywhere else. It's secure!


Google Safe Browsing for Firefox

by 2 others (via)
Google Safe Browsing is an extension to Firefox that alerts you if a web page that you visit appears to be asking for your personal or financial information under false pretences. This type of attack, known as phishing or spoofing, is becoming more sophisticated, widespread and dangerous. That's why it's important to browse safely with Google Safe Browsing. By combining advanced algorithms with reports about misleading pages from a number of sources, Safe Browsing is often able to automatically warn you when you encounter a page that's trying to trick you into disclosing personal information.