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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & tab


FoxTab :: Add-ons for Firefox

3D in your browser! FoxTab brings innovative 3D functionality to your Firefox.


Tab Scope______Au passage de la souris sur un onglet, elle affiche une miniature de la page associée à l'onglet.

Un clic droit sur la vignette, double sa grandeur. Elle contient aussi les icônes "reculer d'une page", "avancer d'une page","actualiser la page", "fermer la page". Il est même possible de scroller la page dans la vignette.

Focus Last Selected Tab v0.9.5

Focus the last selected tab when closing.

Informational Tab :: Firefox Add-ons

Vignette prévisulisation dans Tab___Provides thumbnail, progress meter, or others to each tab.

Taboo___If you keep tons of tabs open because you want to continue reading them later, Taboo is for you.

Taboo lets you save a page for later (taking a screenshot, and using the Session Saver code to remember scroll location and form fields)



by 1 other
This extension adds a new “FaviconizeTab” option to the context menu of the tab. When it is clicked, The width of the tab becomes small up to the size of favicon.

Tab Kit Firefox extension____Organize Your Tabs By Site with Tab Kit

Organize your tabs by domain or origin, manage their layout, and more ....

LinkWad___Manage tabbed browsing sessions by saving groups of tabs as "wads."...

LinkWad is a Firefox extension that enables users to more easily manage tabbed browsing sessions by saving groups of tabs as "wads."...

Open multiple links with Snap Links___Firefox Extension

Snap Links enables you to open multiple links in new tabs just by dragging a box around them.

SessionManager - Geckozone - Extensions en français pour Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird et Nvu

Session Manager (traduit : "Gestionnaire de session"), basée sur Crash Recovery (extension permettant de reprendre une session interrompue par un plantage), enregistre et restaure l'état de toutes les fenêtres - soit sur votre demande (vous pouvez enre

Page Title Erase__Extention firefox____Allows to hide title and icon (favicon.ico) of the selected tab

The Page Title Eraser (PTE) is a simple Mozilla Firefox extension which allows to hide title and icon (favicon.ico) of the selected tab. It provides more privacy at your workplace.

Snap Links____extension navigation multi-tab open

by 1 other
Snap Links allows the user to easily open multiple links contained in a selected area in new tabs.

Tab Preview____extension firefox_Ted's Mozilla page -

by 6 others
Shows a preview of tab contents when you move your mouse over a background tab. It's simple to use, but surprisingly useful.


the Vertigo extension, which stacks tabs

the Vertigo extension, which stacks tabs vertically. This may not make much sense until you've used it for a few days: if you have a widescreen and work with tabs a lot, this will actually save you space and time.

Tab Mix Plus_remplace SessionSaver et TabX

by 2 others
Tab Mix Plus v0.3.0.5 ( ) -Whats New! * Added Session Manager o Save Sessions o Recover Closed Windows * Added Crash Recovery * Improved friendlier options window o Export and import settings o New editor for file types * Customize styles for current tab,

Colorful Tabs_ extentionFirefox

by 1 other
A simple, but elegant idea: color the tabs in Firefox. Beautiful, and I love it.

Focus Last Selected Tab

permet de revenir automatiquement à l'onglet précédemment sélectionné, lors de la fermeture de l'onglet courant.

Tab Sidebar

by 5 others
Tab Sidebar Tab Sidebar screenshot The tab sidebar extension, if you haven't heard of it already, provides a sidebar in the browser that can act as a replacement to the main tab bar, with extras. The most obvious extra is that each tab includes a preview


permet d'appliquer le style de la page à l'onglet.


DragToTab and other extensions...

DragToTab is an extension that allows you to drag links, text or files on to the "New Tab" and "New Window" icon in the toolbar to open them in either a new tab or in a new window respectively. If the text contains a complete or partial URL, it will be op

Traduction de Undoclosetab en Français pour Mozilla et Mozilla Firefox

by 1 other
Undoclosetab permet d'annuler la fermeture d'un onglet, soit par le menu contextuel, soit par un clic du bouton du milieu de la souris sur le bouton fermer l'onglet.