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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & anonymat


Access Flickr! :Bypasses the filter: Add-ons for Firefox

Bypasses the filter in Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China and other banned countries and places... Just install the extension and restart your browser. There is no configuration, no menu, no icon... All needed configurations are done automatically! After restarting, you can access, without any restriction! Just notice that you should use the basic uploader instead of the flash version. You can find the basic uploader here: And an interview about this extension on "Global Voices": History: In my country (Iran), unfortunately, the is banned. I'm a fan of that photo-archive website, so I wrote this extension just to help my dear friends who can not access from Iran.


BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - Recherche fichiers ".NZB" - Usenet , Newgroups - Userscripts

Une petite astuce pour trouver rapidement les .NZB à partir de binnews : _Ajoutez à Greasemonkey ce petit script : (BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - userscripts) : Install script Il rajoutera dans vos résultats sur binnews des petits icônes de façon très intuitive ! Ce sont des liens vers BinTube, Binsearch, Newsleech, etc. Un clic dessus et la recherche est déjà faites, vous n’avez plus qu’à télécharger le .NBZ ! Testez, vous adoptere

Anonymity and you: A guide to using »

“Being nameless or unidentifiable”. When we are browsing the internet, we are identifiable by “IP Address” and our “Browser header/HTTP header”. Firstly, get Firefox, and this extension. User Agent Switcher allows you to change.. well, your user extension. I recommend either making one up entirely or just randomising them at certain points in the day. Secondly, get the stable Tor package from here. Follow the instructions for installing it here. Get TorButton for Firefox, and you’re ready to go. You can check your IP address here before enabling Tor, and again after enabling it, to make sure it’s different. There are other type’s of proxies to port; for instance, web based proxies such as Essentially, a webbased proxy will load the site onto it’s server, and you will load it from their server. These are better for people who wish to bypass a network blocklist at college or their workplace, as they require no installation and no ports to be forwarded.


ErrorZilla Plus__Extension Firefox : re-tries the unreachable URL using a web proxy — Perfect for getting around your offices IT lockdown blocks or accessing forbidden sites in China.

Adds useful options to the "Server not found" page when you follow a a dead or problematic link. The difference: ErrorZilla Plus adds a Proxify option that re-tries the unreachable URL using a web proxy

Tor-Proxy.NET Toolbar :: Modules pour Firefox

No service in the world could be completely safe. (Also not the ones who tell you so!) This service could be infiltrated by hackers or government. Also there could be some weaknesses in the TOR-Architecture. But it is safer than not using this service.

Tor-Proxy.NEt__FAQ__If you are using TOR, why should I not use it directly?

You should! But there are a lot of people who are accessing the Internet and can not install TOR. Probably they do not have full access to there computer, or firewall blocks connection to TOR. Also, TOR is forbidden in some countries, or fail to install

SquiggleSR__03.2008_Concilie la protection de la vie privée et la personnalisation de la recherche.

Pour cela, nous générons des requêtes de façons cohérentes (pour éviter qu’elles soient détectées) sur des thèmes que vous pouvez choisir. Les requêtes sont générées à partir de mots clés apparaissant dans les titres de flux RSS que vous


Foxy Proxy

la plus complète des extensions pour proxies, c'est simple le système de proxy habituel de firefox est totalement revu.

Page Title Erase__Extention firefox____Allows to hide title and icon (favicon.ico) of the selected tab

The Page Title Eraser (PTE) is a simple Mozilla Firefox extension which allows to hide title and icon (favicon.ico) of the selected tab. It provides more privacy at your workplace.


AllPeers :. Share exactly what you want with exactly who you want!

by 1 other
AllPeers is a free extension which combines the strength of Firefox and the efficiency of BitTorrent to transform your favorite browser into a media sharing powerhouse. Regain control! You decide which media files you want to share with whom and to maximi

2005 »

by 2 others
Il n'y a rien de plus insupportable que ces sites qui réclament une inscription gratuite pour vous laisser accéder à leur contenu. BugMeNot vous fournira le login/pass qui va bien... Marche surtout avec les sites anglophones.Bypass compulsory web regis - Accueil extension firefox

by 37 others
pour éviter spam : taper votre email réél ds la boite, ils créent un email jetable.La réponse sera ds votre boite réélle