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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & navigation


FastestFox (Extension Firefox) : Naviguer plus rapidement en automatisant des tâches habituelles

FastestFox : Naviguer plus rapidement en automatisant des tâches habituelles. - qLauncher : Grille, personnalisable à souhait, qui apparaît lors de l'utilisation du raccourcis clavier ctrl + espace (par défaut), pour accéder directement aux sites les plus visités du web, comme Google, Facebook ou encore Amazon. - Télécharger rapidement des ressources depuis le menu contextuel - Accéder à divers services tels que Google pour la recherche ou Wikipédia pour la définition lors de la sélection d'un mot - Activer un système de page infini - Copier automatiquement un contenu sélectionné - Optimiser l'utilisation de la barre d'adresse * etc.


Pagezipper - Extension Firefox - Automatically loads "next page" links

PageZipper automatically loads the contents of "next page" links right underneath the current page, so you can scroll down instead of clicking through. It's quite similar to another extension called AutoPager, and I like that it doesn't show its page breaks the way AutoPager does. Where PageZipper hasn't caught up with AutoPager yet is in the way it deals with tricky "next page" links. AutoPager lets you find them manually and train it, while PageZipper relies on its own (granted, very good) autodetection.

FoxTab :: Add-ons for Firefox

3D in your browser! FoxTab brings innovative 3D functionality to your Firefox.

GoogleEnhancer :: Add-ons for Firefox

Light-weight Google enhancement Adds... ___ The extension work only if I type in Firefox Search Bar at the upper right side of the screen. Please fix the extension, is great! ___ -Icons, -Numbering, -Highlighting, -and more search options: 'By date' and 'By language' your Google search results

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: FlickrStayInCommons in Flickr Hacks

On, adds an option to the header [search] dropdown to take you directly to a search for "The Commons" content. Also on photos within "The Commons" project, inserts additional "tag links" that jump to listings restricted to just "The Commons".

EasyCheckboxes - Greasemonkey

Provides a very simple and useful method of checking, unchecking and toggling multiple checkboxes on a page. It provides two methods of selecting checkboxes - a menu showing multiple options, or dragging the mouse over the checkboxes you want to select.

AuttoPager is a Firefox extension which automatically loads the next page of a site inline - Teesoft, make software to a tee

.... when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content. By default AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker, the New York Times, Digg, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, YouTube, flickr, live, msn, myspace, wikipedia, ebay,taobao,Twitter and, of course, Google. AutoPager is a free software. AutoPager is also an open source software.

Linkoder (QRCode) - Cool Greasemonkey Script adds Barcodes for each link on a web page

Linkoder (QRCode) - Cool Greasemonkey Script adds Barcodes for each link on a web page I just found a cool greasemonkey script on by a person called Vorn. The script is called Linkoder (QRCode) - it can basically add Barcodes for each link on any web page. Its really useful for mobile phone users, with barcode reader applications on their phones, such as the N95 which comes with a barcode reader app as standard, as it saves them typing in long URLs, instead they can just scan the barcode on their PC screen, and then browse directly to the link with their phones web browser. you can get the script here: Install script

Bibliobsession 2.0 » Pourquoi ne pas proposer Firefox sur les postes publics des bibliothèques ?

sous le terme sécurisé, se cache en fait un certain nombre de limitations de l’usage, destiné à empêcher tout paramétrage du navigateur par les usagers Logique et nécessaire quand on connaît le nombre de personnes qui se connectent chaque jour. En revanche, on aborde jamais l’outil navigateur sous un autre angle : celui de la mise en valeur des services et des accès à la bibliothèque : une page web avec un ISBN, celui-ci est reconnu et un lien apparaît pour m’indiquer si le livre correspondant est disponible ou non dans la bibliothèque où je me trouve , documentaires que l’on propose DANS la bibliothèque Le problème, c’est que, bien sûr, ces navigateurs sécurisés fournis par les prestataires sont propriétaires et que leur paramétrage est le plus souvent très limité. Or les outils de de dissémination des accès sont en grande majorité développés sous Firefox…

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: Navigate photostreams, pools, and sets using keyboard shortcuts in Flickr Hacks

Hey all, a quick and dirty greasemonkey script to let you use the left and right arrow keys to view the next and previous photos on flickr. It's something I wish flickr did by default but doesn't. Hope you find it useful.


Naviguer dans les resultats de Google sans quitter la page [Extension Firefox]

GoogleResultsWalker est une nouvelle extension pour Firefox permettant de naviguer dans les résultats de Google sans quitter Google. L’extension ajoute un lien “Preview” en dessous de chaque résultat. Cliquez dessus pour afficher le site en question dans la page des résultats de Google. Très bonne utilisation de tout l’espace blanc laissé par Google, vous devrez par contre posséder un écran relativement grand (19” devrait faire l’affaire)

Ubiquity __Presentation ____Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive »

by 4 others
Mozilla Labs experiment into connecting the Web with language in an attempt to find new user interfaces that could make it possible for everyone to do common Web tasks more quickly and easily. The overall goals of Ubiquity are to explore how best to: * Empower users to control the web browser with language-based instructions. (With search, users type what they want to find. With Ubiquity, they type what they want to do.) * Enable on-demand, user-generated mashups with existing open Web APIs. (In other words, allowing everyone–not just Web developers–to remix the Web so it fits their needs, no matter what page they are on, or what they are doing.) * Use Trust networks and social constructs to balance security with ease of extensibility. * Extend the browser functionality easily.

Ubiquity__Firefox Add-ons__

It is activated by the keyboard CTRL Space command which displays a transparent black rectangle in the upper left corner of the screen below the Firefox header area. That screen resembles a command line waiting for user input. There are about 50 commands that Ubiquity comes installed with which are the core of the extension. This reaches from posting messages (about a website) to Twitter, looking up information on Wikipedia, performing web searches on various search engines or looking up information on Google Maps. The real benefit for the user is that he does not have to leave the current tab to get the information because everything happens in that black box. Results are shown in that block as well in real time.

Configurable Flickr Homepage –

The purpose of this greasemonkey script is to provide a set of modifications of the layout from the flickr homepage. Several modifications are available. All of them can be enabled or disabled by the user.

Adblock Plus - Dynamic Apply Button | userstyles.org___Last updated Jun 24 2008

Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Adblock Plus. Why show a button that you can't click!? Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2 Integrates With the Following Styles: + Adblock Plus - Custom Filterlist Window Background + Adblock Plus - Visual Alert if Disabled + Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button Window Applied to:

Change Text Highlighting Selector Color | userstyles.org__Last updated Apr 23 2008

Makes all highlighted (selected) text throughout Mozilla Firefox to have a custom color of your choice. Another excellent way to implement a new UI feature for your favorite web browser. ** Thanks to rude-dude for selected text color changer, upon which this style is based. Applies to: - All web pages - Address Bar text (locationbar) - Stylish Extension Manager - View Source - View Information - ... - Countless other windows and option panes Acknowledgments: Thanks to for the codebase CSS Release Additional Information: This style comes preloaded with the following style color: Background of selected text will be Dark Gray Foreground (or color) of selected text will be Lime Green, giving selected text a "console" or "Matrix" type look. Instructions: You may change the "background" and "color" HEX colors to match your favorite colors! The code is easily customizable and the color combinations are endless!

Flickr - Transparent Navigation Menus (WOW!) |

Flickr site navigation menus, You Home Organize Contacts Groups Explore, will be transparent... WOW! This style improves page visibility, allowing you to see all the web content behind the transparency. This makes Flickr even more awesome! * Thanks to b0at for the Google Autohide Dots: Search and Account Options, upon which I got the idea for this style! Features: + You Home Organize Contacts Groups and Explore will be transparent. + Menus will become more opaque when they are hovered over with the mouse cursor + You will be able to see the images and text behind the header menu (see thru) until hovered over Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Better Flickr Hyperlink Visited Color nav menus are also known as candy Changelog: + Added Transparency to the Search menu dropdown box

Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect.

With this style, Flickr will highlight the links that you have already visited. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for Flickr, which does not display the pages you have already visited in a separate color. This makes Flickr a lot more usable, so you do not go to pages you have already been to (visual history). * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: + Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) + More Noticeable + Works on all links (a href) Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) Future Releases: + I am currently working on an update that will disable the coloring of your usermenu (home, you, organize, contacts, groups, and explore)

Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) |

Hyperlink Visited Styling for ALL WebPages. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for pages without their own form of displaying the pages you have already visited. * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: - Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) - Will only show up on pages that don't already have a visited color. In the case of an purple background, or custom sites. If you want this style to show up no matter what, add !important between the last 0 and the : in the code. Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Hover Color (Global)

FfChrome Compacts Firefox's Right-Click Menu

Windows/Mac/Linux (Firefox): FfChrome, a free add-on for Firefox browsers, lets users who do a lot of link-grabbing, picture saving, and other right-click-type operations decide exactly what they should see when they right-click anything in their browser. Once the extension is installed, users can check or un-check particular context menu items, such as the "Email this" tools, to and create a trim right-click box with just the essentials. Hover over the "Show All" option, though, and everything rolls out. FfChrome doesn't appear to support right-click items brought in by other extensions, though, so hopefully the developer will work the add-on into those options.

TinEye___Extension ___Pour trouver d’autres versions d’une image en ligne

Why use TinEye? There are many uses for TinEye, but here are just a few: * Find out where and how an image appears online * Find websites containing more information about an image * Attribute an image to an author or source * Find high resolution versions of an image * Research the usage and placement of editorial or stock images * Find modified or edited versions of an image * Research corporate imagery or brand usage online * Track the popularity or distribution of an image online