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EXTENSION - Ginatrapani Greasemonkey Multi-script-compiler - GitHub

Compiles multiple Greasemonkey user scripts into a standalone Firefox extension, based heavily on Anthony Lieuallen's (single) script compiler.


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - weRead Amazon Exporter for Greasemonkey - Inspects the weRead book shelf (Facebook) page on for Amazon products and displays a list of ISBN or ASIN.

I wanted to try Google's Books library which supports importing a list of comma-separated ISBNs. Since weRead doesn't support exporting your book shelf I wrote this script to show me ISBNs or ASINs parsed from the Amazon thumbnails. Instructions * From Facebook: Visit and use the Connect button to log in via Facebook Connect. * Navigate to * To export just your "Read It" list, first click the link next to "Show All Books" * To export all your books, click "100" to view as many books as possible * You'll need to export each page since this script can only see one page at a time * Use the Export command from Greasemonkey's command list

BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - (Videotheque) - Recherche de Films sur IMDB reliée à Une Bibliothèque - (Lycoming County Library System Search 1.0)

Un exemple de possibilité de liens ajoutés pour une recheche de films sur "Internet Movie Data Base" qui donne accés au catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque... A étudier Pendant la consultation d'un titre sur IMDB, il place un lien vers une recherche pour ledit titre dans la bibliothèque du comté de Lycoming System (Pennsylvanie). While viewing a title on IMDB, it will place a link to a search for said title in the Lycoming County Library System (Pennsylvania).

BIB - AFI Opac 2.0 - Portail : Couche Portail 2.0 (Open source) pour SIGB - Bibliobsession »

Portail pour structures de toutes tailles, de la petite bibliothèque associative à la médiathèque de grosse ville. Pourparler avec des grosses médiathèques utilisatrices d’ALOES, Orphée Media et Carthame Fonctionnalités sympa du portail : - Enrichissement automatique des notices de documents sonores ou video avec les extraits Amazon, les bandes annonces et les photos de - Récupération dynamique de biographies sur Wikipedia. - Gestion de sitothèque et de RSS, élimination des liens morts, gestion de paniers automatique à partir de requêtes (générer automatiquement des listes de nouveautés pour une section et un genre, ou des listes par Classe Dewey et fréquence de prêt.) - Commentaires sur les livres gérés selon professionnel ou abonné. Un commentaire professionnel sur une notice peut ainsi alimenter directement un “blog” de coups de coeurs bibliothécaire. - Webservice qui permet de mieux gérer le script Greasemonkey Amazon pour firefox.

Greasemonkey exemple de test YUI (YUI 3) pour Greasemonkey

Ce script montre comment mettre en place YUI Test (YUI 3) pour une utilisation avec des scripts Greasemonkey. Il vous permet de tester n'importe quelle page, même ceux que vous ne possédez pas. Il a été créé pour que vous puissiez écrire des tests unitaires pour les scripts Greasemonkey. La majeure partie de ce script vient: # YUI_Li ... Je n'ai fait que l'adapter pour une utilisation avec YUI test, et fournir des instructions pour la mise en place de vos scripts afin qu'ils puissent être testés. Le script comme il est prévu ici peut être utilisé pour tester n'importe quelle page Web dans le monde. Pour l'utiliser pour tester un script Greasemonkey spécifique, juste un changement est nécessaire (ajouter un @ Exigent tag); voir les instructions d'essai ci-dessous.

unsafeWindow - Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome - Stack Overflow

I have a Greasemonkey script that works just fine in Firefox and Opera. I struggle with getting it to work in Chrome, however. The problem is injecting a function into the page that can be invoked by code from the page. Here's what I'm doing so far: First, I get a helper reference to the unsafeWindow for Firefox. This allows me to have the same code for FF and Opera (and Chrome, I thought).

Top Greasemonkey Scripts for New Gmail 2.0 | ShanKrila

You can organize labels into subfolder like hierarchy. Create a parent label like Home and then create sublabels like Home\Bills, Home\Receipts, etc. I thought I never needed folders but this makes using labels so easy to use with the new colors!

Folders4Gmail - Greasemonkey for Gmail - Organize labels into subfolder like hierarchy.

You can organize labels into subfolder like hierarchy. Create a parent label like Home and then create sublabels like Home\Bills, Home\Receipts, etc. I thought I never needed folders but this makes using labels so easy to use with the new colors!

Greasemonkey comes to Chrome - get your userscripts ready!

Chrome has a secret weapon. His name is Aaron Boodman, and he created Greasemonkey. He now works on the Chrome Extensions team at Google. Even though Greasemonkey on Chrome isn't yet as mature as the Firefox version -- 15-25% of scripts might not work on Chrome yet -- it will definitely get there with Boodman's help. If you need some scripts to get you started, you can scope out Download Squad's 10 Greasemonkey Scripts You Shouldn't Browse Without, or peruse the large selection at

User Script Compiler - Easily convert Greasemonkey scripts into Firefox extensions

First, you'll need to track down your installed scripts. They're in your Firefox profile, under the "gm_scripts" sub-folder. Or, if you'd prefer, you can skip the search and download any script from the online script repository. Next, you need to change the file extension from .js (Javascript) to .txt (plain text). After you've changed the extension, double-click the file to view the code. Copy and paste the code into the User Script Compiler and hit "Generate." Voila! Your new Firefox extension (.xpi) is complete. To install in Firefox, simply drag the new extension onto the Firefox interface and follow the prompts.


Search for AutoPage –

scripts qui ameliorent l'usage de l'extension Autopager

Pieds de poulet... Ou ChickenFoot en anglais est une extension pour Firefox qui permet d'ajouter un environnement de programmation Javascript à Firefox. - KORBEN

C'est réservé aux bidouilleurs mais en gros le principe c'est d'utiliser javascript sur les sites que vous visitez afin de réaliser des choses sympathique comme automatiser certaines parties d'un site ou changer le comportement d'un script...etc C'est un peu comme GreaseMonkey mais en plus simple (pour peu que vous connaissiez Javascript) Mais là ou ça devient interressante, c'est que coupler à Firebug, qui est une extension Firefox pour débugger le javascript des sites web (avec point d'arrêt and co), il devient relativement simple de faire faire au site ce que vous voulez.

Customize your Web browsing experience with Greasemonkey | Programming and Development |

You can accomplish all of this via JavaScript.Scripts include metadata that provide details about the script, including target sites and sites that should never apply. The following metadata elements may be used: * Name: The name assigned to the script. It is displayed when the script is installed, as well as within the Manage Scripts window. * Namespace: The namespace used to distinguish scripts when more than one has the same name. (This is the same approach as used in programming languages like Java and C#.) * Description: A brief description of the script’s purpose. * Include: A list of URLs associated with the script (i.e., the URLs for running the script). The URLs may include wildcard characters (*). Multiple URLs appear on their own line. * Exclude: A list of URLs for which the scripts will never run. Multiple entries appear on their own line.

BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - Recherche fichiers ".NZB" - Usenet , Newgroups - Userscripts

Une petite astuce pour trouver rapidement les .NZB à partir de binnews : _Ajoutez à Greasemonkey ce petit script : (BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - userscripts) : Install script Il rajoutera dans vos résultats sur binnews des petits icônes de façon très intuitive ! Ce sont des liens vers BinTube, Binsearch, Newsleech, etc. Un clic dessus et la recherche est déjà faites, vous n’avez plus qu’à télécharger le .NBZ ! Testez, vous adoptere

UserScript Writing 101 – Manuel of Things to learn -

The Order of Things to Learn Look to the "Resources" section for places to learn about these. 1. HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. Not the same "language" as JavaScript. This is a markup language, meaning it's a bunch of text that is meant to represent some type of structure, in this case, a web page. 2. XML. Extensible Markup Language. In case you didn't realize, HTML itself is a type of "XML". Learning XML is important because many popular websites (YouTube, Facebook, use XML to interact with data. Since you already know HTML by this point, understanding XML should be cake. 3. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets. This is the way HTML (should be) stylized. You'll want to learn this. 4. JavaScript. Learn all the basics: data types, functions, JavaScript's native functions like prompt, alert, etc. 5. The Greasemonkey Extras. Like I said, Greasmonkey == JavaScript, with a lot of extras. A specific page listing the API's can be found here.

Forum Deblocker - Greasemonkey

The "Forum Deblocker" userscript simulates the Googlebot so you may see the forum pages as google sees them

Google Fx v2.1.9 for Greasemonkey - firefox et opera

AutoPaging + Site ThumbShots + Google Suggest (multi-lang) + Easy Filters + Right Panel Feature + Images Redirect & Preview + Searchers + Static TopBar + NoAds + Nice Look&Feel + User's Settings + MultiLanguage & more... [Opera & Firefox] Version: 2.1.9 short URL screenshot on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Simple Greasemonkey script to add a short URL link to the Additional Information section.

Fav.icio.us3 - Greasemonkey - Add favicons next to posted links on

A script to add favicons next to posted links on Working with the latest update of Delicious (as of August 2009). From 90% uses the code of fav.icio.us2 by Vasco Flores.

JavaScript Deobfuscator - Show you what JavaScript gets to run on a web page,

This add-on will show you what JavaScript gets to run on a web page, even if it is obfuscated and generated on the fly. Simply open JavaScript Deobfuscator from the Tools menu and watch the scripts being compiled/executed.

Phoenix :: Add-ons for Firefox

An editor with real time syntax highlighting which allows edit, run and test CSS, HTML and JavaScript code. Phoenix will tell you how many CSS and JS files are loaded into a page, how big these are,...