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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags debian & "linux ubuntu"

22 September 2007

19 September 2007

StarDict - The best dictionary program in linux and windows

Downloading For linux (Rpm) For linux (Deb) For windows Fedora Linux rpm Ubuntu Linux deb Download stardict-3.0.0.exe From China Sina From China Sina From China Newhua From China Sina From China Pchome Beta version: stardict-3.0.1-beta.exe

18 September 2007

PySol Solitaire Home Page

Development news: PySol5 will be a major rewrite using the wxPython toolkit, including many new games, a plethora of new cool features, and a convenient Windows setup version. Unfortunately the rewrite is currently stuck halfway through, and as I'm really busy with other things there is no concrete timeframe for a first beta version

Home of Automatix

by 2 others
07/31/2007: Automatix strongly recommends Ubuntu for Non-Geeks by Rickford Grant as a "A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook" for beginners. Check it out while you are still discovering Ubuntu.

09 September 2007