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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags debian & development

June 2009

Manuais do sidux - Modo Live (RO)

Modo Live - senha do root Favor observar: 1 - Sempre que quiser executar qualquer coisa com permissões de root, saiba o que está fazendo! 2 - Para navegação web com LAN, não é necessário o uso do root para nada. No LiveCD do sidux, a senha de root não está configurada. Se você tiver de rodar um programa que exija privilégios de root, você tem várias opções: Criar uma senha temporária Abra um terminal e digite: :: debian based live cd development

What is sidux? - Debian Hot & Spicy! sidux is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's most modern branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications. This is where sidux starts – join us! You're new to sidux? No problem – continue here. Current release: sidux-2009-01 Ουρανός Look at the current release plan

Alberto - Home

My name is Alberto Milone, I graduated [1st level degree (equivalent to a BA) - December 2005, 2nd level degree (equivalent to a MA) - March 2008] in Foreign Languages (the name of the course was "Lingue Moderne per la Comunicazione Internazionale") at the Università del Salento. I was born in Turin in 1983 but I have spent most of my life in Lecce. My current interests range from the study of the English language to (open source) software development on GNU/Linux distributions, for which I have an insane passion. I work on a GNU/Linux distribution (based on Debian and developed by Canonical) called Ubuntu Linux. According to Canonical's webpage: "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world

July 2008

Skolelinux: Infoside for utviklerne

The Linux for School project "We have four years of experience using Linux with user applications in Nynorsk" says Bjarne Hugo Hansen, principle of Høle primary and secondary school. Nynorsk is one of the two main norwegian dialects, the other is Bokmål. "Our school saves at least NOK 128.000 (Norwegian kroner) a year, and we are able to use new software on old computers". Most of our computer park consist of old, donated computers from private companies. Bjerke high school with 370 pupils, has three and a half years of experience with thin clients and servers running Linux with KDE and StarOffice. They use a hardware-optimized solution with central server-administration. "Our school saves NOK 100.000 a year" says Gro Flaten, principal of Bjerke. July the 2nd 2001, an initiating meeting was summoned for the "Skolelinux" project (a project to create a Linux solution aimed at Norwegian schools. ). 13 out of 25 project participants met, which is good, considering that the participants live widely spread across Norway. The project's objective was discussed, and the Debian distribution was chosen as a base platform because Petter Reinholdtsen, who knows the Debian distribution well, volunteered to build the new "Skolelinux" distribution. Eivind Trondsen, Linux evangelist from IBM Norway, offered a build computer and development site for a couple of summer months. The objective we agreed on is: The "Skolelinux" project shall provide Norwegian user applications in the two norwegian dialects, Nynorsk and Bokmål, and in the Sami language.

September 2007

PySol Solitaire Home Page

Development news: PySol5 will be a major rewrite using the wxPython toolkit, including many new games, a plethora of new cool features, and a convenient Windows setup version. Unfortunately the rewrite is currently stuck halfway through, and as I'm really busy with other things there is no concrete timeframe for a first beta version

July 2007