public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags design & sxsw

March 2008

Scott Robbin is a side-project that I worked on with friend and Humanized co-worker, Aza Raskin. Songza lets you search for a song that's stuck in your head, play it, and even share with your friends.

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets.

mezzoblue § Home

by 7 others
So here's a not-so-hypothetical question I'd like to put out there: as a designer what are the saleable products one might go about creating?

chrisbrogan's bookmarks on

remarkably relevant bookmarks on business, software, art, design, learning, linux, web 2.0, gtd, howto, research, acme, illustration, entrepreneur, podcasting, dly, bsmin, podcast, graphics, bizinbox, blogs, wordpress, blog, mp3, photos, rss, free, etc.

How magazine - Events

I just booked my flight to Austin and registered for the South by Southwest Interactive Conference this March. I had an amazing time last year and this year is shaping up to be just as interesting. Confirmed sessions in the design track

February 2008

April 2007

» Links for Web Designers : April

Web design, Typography, Code Snippets and Interesting Articles - we digg out the best for you …

December 2006


by 2 others
What's this? A near pixel-perfect copy of Microsoft Paint in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using the <canvas> tag as specified by WHATWG and supported by Safari 1.3, Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9. .

October 2006

July 2006

Building An Expanding DHTML Menu With CSS and JavaScript

Today I am going to show you the different parts that make up a dropdown vertical menu for your website. This is not like your normal dropdown menu, which appears at the top of your content, however -- these menus expand and remain visible until they are

Web 2.0 Design Kit | Photoshop Lab

by 24 others
Web 2.0 is a term coined by O'Reilly describing the new trends in design and development appearing across a flood of innovative websites. This tutorial will show you how to create some of the more popular "Web 2.0" design effects using Photoshop.

FavIcon from Pics -- how to create a favicon.ico for your website

by 90 others
Would you like to display your own icon on the browser address bar when visitors view or bookmark your web page? Now it's easy to create icons for your web pages with FavIcon from Pics. Simply select a picture, logo or other graphic (of any size/resolutio

SonSpring | Hoverbox Image Gallery

by 16 others
I recently finished reading CSS Mastery, and think I’ve finally got a good understanding of how absolute and relative positioning (fail to) work in Internet Explorer. I have been tinkering with this bit of code since yesterday afternoon, helping out a d