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PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags design & css


Useful Podcasts For Designers And Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

collection of podcasts that are either directly about web design, or would be helpful to a web designer

100+ Open Courseware Collections for Aspiring Web Devs - Web Hosting Unleashed

free tutorials and collections from top universities and well-respected websites to train you in areas like web design, graphics and imaging, programming and coding, multimedia, connecting with your audience, and even learning freelancing and entrepreneur

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » Blog

by 1 other
Premium Themes Should Advance the Wordpress Community

mezzoblue § Home

by 7 others
So here's a not-so-hypothetical question I'd like to put out there: as a designer what are the saleable products one might go about creating?


Top 10 Template Generators for Blogs and Websites

by 1 other
Mashable is hosted by (mt) Media Temple « Previous PostNext Post » Top 10 Template Generators for Blogs and Websites November 18, 2007 — 08:52 PM PST — by Palin Ningthoujam — Share This If you are not satisfied with ready-made blog and we

More than 100 Web 2.0 Online Generators

by 44 others
Here the list of online generators specifically for web 2.0 design: enjoy it!

The Sandbox ·

by 3 others
The Sandbox is a theme for themers. It has the ability to be easily skinned, so beginners will feel comfortable styling it since they only need to know CSS.

Resources for the professional web designer

this is a list with the best design links submitted to

» Links for Web Designers : April

Web design, Typography, Code Snippets and Interesting Articles - we digg out the best for you …


Building An Expanding DHTML Menu With CSS and JavaScript

Today I am going to show you the different parts that make up a dropdown vertical menu for your website. This is not like your normal dropdown menu, which appears at the top of your content, however -- these menus expand and remain visible until they are

SonSpring | Hoverbox Image Gallery

by 16 others
I recently finished reading CSS Mastery, and think I’ve finally got a good understanding of how absolute and relative positioning (fail to) work in Internet Explorer. I have been tinkering with this bit of code since yesterday afternoon, helping out a d

Get free stuff for Web design

by 4 others
Web developers can find many free resources, although some are freer than others. If you design a Web site or Web application, whether static or with all the dynamic Ajax goodness you can conjure up, you might find resources to lighten your load and spice

Using a Background Image Grid to Lay Out Your Web Site | Smiley Cat Web Design

by 9 others
As Khoi says himself: …coming up with this little trick left me very pleased with myself, as it allowed me to produce easily the most precise layouts of my career.

Garrett Dimon / My Process from Comp to Page

I’ve spent some time up front creating a consistent framework that I start with every time. It’s a group of files that include markup, CSS, and scripting that I can copy and paste and start with off the bat. The naming conventions are the same, the di

Avalonstar. The Aries Project. By Bryan Veloso.

by 6 others
this site poses as your average design, CSS, or technologically savvy site. It really does, and I have to commend it for trying. But what Avalonstar really is - is a personal writing space - a mind dump. - Combo Library - Web Color Combinations Library

by 4 others
Who would’ve thought a color library would end up mixed in with a bunch of JavaScript and PHP libraries? Well they do have a pretty sweet little color library for finding color combinations, all you do is select the color and they show you some nice com