public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags design & springnetdelicious

July 2006

Get free stuff for Web design

by 4 others
Web developers can find many free resources, although some are freer than others. If you design a Web site or Web application, whether static or with all the dynamic Ajax goodness you can conjure up, you might find resources to lighten your load and spice

Using a Background Image Grid to Lay Out Your Web Site | Smiley Cat Web Design

by 9 others
As Khoi says himself: …coming up with this little trick left me very pleased with myself, as it allowed me to produce easily the most precise layouts of my career.

Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer

by 1 other
Why do some organizations look great... and get great results from their design efforts and ads... while others languish in mediocrity? I think it has little to do with who they hire and a lot to do with how they work with their agencies and designers.

Garrett Dimon / My Process from Comp to Page

I’ve spent some time up front creating a consistent framework that I start with every time. It’s a group of files that include markup, CSS, and scripting that I can copy and paste and start with off the bat. The naming conventions are the same, the di - CoolMenus - Dynamic HTML menu script

by 1 other
CoolMenus is an advanced menu script that I have been working on for years. If you have been browsing this site you have already used the script. The coolMenus have been downloaded over 200 000 times!

Free Online Education :: qoolsqool

by 1 other
This website teaches core visual skills for designing pages that are easy to understand and use: Graphic design basics - Page layout - Visual techniques - Case studies. "Making a clear web page depends on making the most important elements appear importan

Avalonstar. The Aries Project. By Bryan Veloso.

by 6 others
this site poses as your average design, CSS, or technologically savvy site. It really does, and I have to commend it for trying. But what Avalonstar really is - is a personal writing space - a mind dump.

* August 6th - Esther comes to England. We spend most of the time in Devon, UK and then we spend a few days in London, UK too. Maybe a party * August 20th - We leave for America. Galesburg, Illinois to be exact. Where I'll spend atleast a month a

June 2006

graphicPUSH: Free icons and free icon sets for web designers.

These icons are designed specifically for blogs and content management systems. The graphicPUSH blog icons come in two happening forms: a free version and a deluxe version. The free version contains ten core icons that will get you rolling on your site wi - web 2.0 javascript

by 199 others
Provides you with easy-to-use, compatible and, ultimately, totally cool JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly, Web 2.0 style. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this library is my favorite. - Combo Library - Web Color Combinations Library

by 4 others
Who would’ve thought a color library would end up mixed in with a bunch of JavaScript and PHP libraries? Well they do have a pretty sweet little color library for finding color combinations, all you do is select the color and they show you some nice com

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006

December 2005