public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags design & blog

May 2008

Web Site Design and Marketing | hosting, domain names, e-commerce, pay-per-click

You have come to the right place to learn about web site design, domain names, Internet marketing, custom programming and social media.

April 2008


great group of themes, uses this theme.

March 2008

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » Blog

by 1 other
Premium Themes Should Advance the Wordpress Community

Scott Robbin is a side-project that I worked on with friend and Humanized co-worker, Aza Raskin. Songza lets you search for a song that's stuck in your head, play it, and even share with your friends.

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets.


Named after Futurosity, my other blog for which this theme was originally designed, Futurosity Magazine is a magazine-style theme with a custom home page, ready for multiple authors. Usage does require some hand coding, but it shouldn’t be too difficult

How magazine - Events

I just booked my flight to Austin and registered for the South by Southwest Interactive Conference this March. I had an amazing time last year and this year is shaping up to be just as interesting. Confirmed sessions in the design track

February 2008

December 2007

Web Worker Daily

rebooting the workforce, daily tips on working on the web

November 2007

WordPress Themes. WordPress Themes Tutorials. Blog Design.

WordPress Themes & WordPress Blog Design for Small Business. Michael D. PollockWe design powerful, easy-to-use web publishing platforms - sometimes known as blogs or content management systems - that make it easier for small business owners to connect wi

July 2007

The Sandbox ·

by 3 others
The Sandbox is a theme for themers. It has the ability to be easily skinned, so beginners will feel comfortable styling it since they only need to know CSS.

April 2007

July 2006

Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer

by 1 other
Why do some organizations look great... and get great results from their design efforts and ads... while others languish in mediocrity? I think it has little to do with who they hire and a lot to do with how they work with their agencies and designers.

* August 6th - Esther comes to England. We spend most of the time in Devon, UK and then we spend a few days in London, UK too. Maybe a party * August 20th - We leave for America. Galesburg, Illinois to be exact. Where I'll spend atleast a month a