public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags health & Activism

October 2005

September 2005

Vigitox - Greenpeace

by 1 other
100 000 molécules chimiques industrielles sont en libre circulation dans nos produits de consommation sans évaluation de leur toxicité pour l'homme et l'environnement. D'autres sont reconnues dangereuses, cancérigènes ou toxiques pour la reproduction, mais rien n'empêche leur incorporation dans les produits de consommation.

July 2005

The Truth | Games

Truth makes sure all the facts are available.It's about thinking for yourself and not allowing friends, teachers, politicians, television, movies or an industry to do it for you. It's about making your own decisions based on knowledge and respecting the choices others make as well. So go ahead. Apply truth liberally and wipe some on your friends.

"Fair Enough!"

by 1 other
Every 60-second episode is a dramatization based on an actual tobacco industry internal document or brainstorming session. And while not all of the marketing ideas presented on the show were implemented, the fact that they were even brought up provides an important insight into Big Tobacco's approach to marketing its deadly products. It's hard to believe this stuff's true. But it is. Honestly. We couldn't make it up.

June 2005

Planète Urgence : Faites de votre temps libre un temps utile...

by 2 others
Planète Urgence est une ONG de solidarité internationale. Son objectif est d'aider au développement des pays les plus pauvres et à la protection des écosystèmes les plus menacés, en faisant participer des citoyens ordinaires, non spécialistes, mais désireux d'agir.

ReliefWeb »

ReliefWeb is the global hub for time-critical humanitarian information on Complex Emergencies and Natural Disasters. For as long as a flood, famine, earthquake or war requires a coordinated international response, the ReliefWeb team publishes timely information around-the-clock. We partnered with user experience consultants Adaptive Path to undertake one of our most challenging and rewarding projects.