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FIR 57 - ARIS - SCROLLBAR - GitHub - Aris-t2/Scrollbars: Custom Scrollbars

Custom Scrollbars for Firefox 57+ : Method 1 - files for Firefox profile folder only M1 is based on this project by nuchi: M1 will stop working when Mozilla drops XBL support. From this projects method 1 : folder copy userChrome folder and userChrome.css file to PROFILENAME chrome or add code from userChrome.css file to an existing userChrome.css file. Method 2 - files for Firefox folder and to Firefox profile folder M2 is based on this project by ardiman: From this projects method 2profile folder copy userChrome folder and userChrome.js file to PROFILENAME chrome . From this projects method 2firefox folder copy defaults folder and config.js file to Firefox main directory (where the Firefox executable is). Script/startup cache must be deleted after every change! Where to fine startupCache folder? about:profiles > Local Directory > Open Folder, close Firefox and delete all files in startupCache folder. Location on WINDOWS: C:Users NAME AppDataLocalMozillaFirefoxProfiles PROFILE startupCache Location on LINUX location: home NAME .cachemozillafirefox PROFILE startupCache This is not the same profile folder custom scripts and styles are stored! More info about startup cache removal (in German): More info about startup cache removal (in English )

FIR 57 (UserCSS + about:config) - Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox 57+ - GitHub - Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx:

'about:config' tweaks (To revert changes right-click entry and select 'reset'): - Tab audio icon browser.tabs.showAudioPlayingIcon - Insert related tab after current tab (suggestion: enable / set to 'true') browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent - Titlebar browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar - Searchbar: open search results in new tab - Reader mode reader.parse-on-load.enabled - Geolocation (suggestion: disable / set to 'false') geo.enabled - Pocket (suggestion: disable / set to 'false') extensions.pocket.enabled - Anti fingerprinting (Caution: browser might behave in unforseen ways!) privacy.resistFingerprinting read: Fingerprinting info at Mozilla Wiki tweaks ***** Suggested ui tweaks ***** - Toolbar modes (suggestion: compact mode) Customize mode > Density > Compact / Normal / Touch - Titlebar modes (suggestion: Firefox titlebar ['application/hamburger button in titlebar' only works in Firefox titlebar]) Customize mode > Title Bar > uncheck checkbox Drag space above tabs toolbar (suggestion: disable drag space ['application/hamburger button in titlebar' works best without drag space]) Customize mode > Drag Space > uncheck checkbox Bookmarks menu button on bookmarks toolbar Customize mode > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar Customize mode > move 'bookmarks menu' button to bookmark toolbars end Downloads button always visible Customize mode > downloads button > click on button and uncheck 'Auto-hide' Searchbar (suggestion: placed after location bar) Customize mode > Search(bar) > move to navigation toolbar Flexible spaces (suggestion: remove spaces after and before location bar) Customize mode > grab and drag flexible space into palette


FIR - PRIVACY - How to block automatic connections that Firefox makes - gHacks Tech News

Mozilla has created a support page that lists all the connections that Firefox make without explicit permission of the user. As you can see, quite a few are listed there. While some are enabled after user activity, for instance adding live bookmarks to the browser, others are enabled by default. This guide looks at the latter kind, explains what their use is, and how you can disable them if you do not require them.


[TUTO] Astuces optimisation Firefox ! - Planete-Lolo

- about:config > Entrée. - network.http.pipelining et network.http.proxy.pipelining > double-cliquez dessus ce qui positionnera sa valeur à true . - network.http.pipelining.maxrequests et network.http.max-connections-per-server. > mettez la valeur 8 Ordinateur Puissant : - Augmenter le nombre de connexions maximales admises : network.http.max-connections et mettez la valeur 32. Modifier le délai avant que le contenu téléchargé soit rafraîchi à l'écran (Les pages s'afficheront ainsi beaucoup plus vite) : > Clic droit dans la zone de configuration > Sélectionnez Nouvelle => Valeur numérique. Nommez-la: nglayout.initialpaint.delay et attribuez-lui la valeur 0. Fermer et relancer firefox.

Portail Firefox « Aldian’s Blog

Ensemble de mes articles concernant Firefox, afin que ce soit plus clair.


Sauvegarder votre profil Firefox très facilement - EspaceRezo

Avec Firefox, il s'avère indispensable de sauvegarder le répertoire de profil en vue d'une réinstallation ou d'un clonage de son navigateur préféré sur une autre machine. Ce répertoire possède un nom bizarroïde composé de chiffres et de lettres et il se trouve en général dans : "C:\ Documents and Settings \ Administrateur \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles" Le chemin est un peu compliqué, pour ouvrir ce dossier facilement : - Cliquer sur le menu "?" de Firefox - Choisir "Informations de dépannage". - La page "Troubleshooting Information" s'ouvre - Clic sur "Ouvrir le dossier correspondant" permet d'entrer dans le répertoire de profil. Il est très facile ensuite de le sauvegarder avec un copier/coller. L'accès à la page "Troubleshooting" est également possible en tapant "about:support" dans la barre d'adresse. Repéré sur

Installation de l'extension Firefox Weave

A voir également : Présentation de l’extension Firefox Weave. L’installation de l’extension Firefox Weave se fait comme tout extension Firefox. Pour chaque image, cliquez dessus pour l’agrandir.

User Script Compiler - Easily convert Greasemonkey scripts into Firefox extensions

First, you'll need to track down your installed scripts. They're in your Firefox profile, under the "gm_scripts" sub-folder. Or, if you'd prefer, you can skip the search and download any script from the online script repository. Next, you need to change the file extension from .js (Javascript) to .txt (plain text). After you've changed the extension, double-click the file to view the code. Copy and paste the code into the User Script Compiler and hit "Generate." Voila! Your new Firefox extension (.xpi) is complete. To install in Firefox, simply drag the new extension onto the Firefox interface and follow the prompts.


Customize your Web browsing experience with Greasemonkey | Programming and Development |

You can accomplish all of this via JavaScript.Scripts include metadata that provide details about the script, including target sites and sites that should never apply. The following metadata elements may be used: * Name: The name assigned to the script. It is displayed when the script is installed, as well as within the Manage Scripts window. * Namespace: The namespace used to distinguish scripts when more than one has the same name. (This is the same approach as used in programming languages like Java and C#.) * Description: A brief description of the script’s purpose. * Include: A list of URLs associated with the script (i.e., the URLs for running the script). The URLs may include wildcard characters (*). Multiple URLs appear on their own line. * Exclude: A list of URLs for which the scripts will never run. Multiple entries appear on their own line.

COInS - Tout l’intérêt de l’OpenURL, c’est d’afficher les rebonds depuis n’importe quel site proposant des métadonnées bibliographiques vers le catalogue de ma bibliothèque.« Encore un biblioblog…

Problème : cela implique (en tout cas pour le moment) que vos lecteurs installent sur leurs navigateurs l’extension OpenURL Referrer, dont j’ai déjà parlé, qui transforme les COinS en URL cliquables. Il faut donc leur indiquer le site, leur demander de télécharger l’extention, et leur expliquer comment paramétrer les valeurs à y mettre (essentiellement URL du résolveur, et sa version). On risque de perdre plus de la moitié du lectorat visé par ces consignes. La meilleure solution est donc de proposer, sur le site de la bibliothèque, l’extension préparamétrée. Cela permet d’esquiver complètement la notion d’OpenURL (amusez-vous à la leur expliquer si vous vous en sentez le courage), et de leur proposer “simplement” : une extension qui permet de rebondir depuis une référence d’ouvrage trouvée sur Internet vers le catalogue de sa bibliothèque, pour voir rapidement si elle le propose ou non. Quelques explications préalables sont nécessaires.

Profils Firefox (Tutoriel Trés Clair) : Pourquoi et comment utiliser plusieurs profils sous Firefox - Ou comment cloisonner ses activités pour gagner en efficacité _ Laspic.eu7 janvier 2009, par Jonathan

Utiliser son navigateur web comme s’il y en avait plusieurs. L’utilité ? De disposer d’un navigateur spécifique à type d’utilisation : surf, multimédia, réseaux sociaux, développement web... D’abord, c’est un cadre de travail : pas de marques-pages parasites, une barre individuelle dédiée, les onglets qui m’attendent avec les pages web indispensables, et une petite sélection d’extensions appropriées [2]. Ensuite, c’est l’occasion de marquer une franche séparation entre ces activités spécifiques et celles de ma vie personnelle (ce qui n’a pas de prix quand on travaille chez soi). Le principe de fonctionnement : Pour cela, il suffit d’installer l’extension ProfilesSwitcher. Celle-ci ajoute quelques fonctionnalités pratiques dans le menu "Fichier", et surtout active la possibilité d’ouvrir plusieurs profils à la fois (pour basculer d’un profil à un autre, il est sinon obligatoire de fermer le premier).

LibX (Barre Outil pour les Bibliotèques) – Première approche « Encore un biblioblog…

Honnêtement, j’ai eu du mal avec l’interface de paramétrages de LibX. Et comme je n’ai pas réussi à trouver de tutoriel simple en français, il me semble utile d’en faire un petit ici. Pour l’instant, mon objectif avec LibX sera “simple” (au regard de toutes les possibilités que l’outil offre) : obtenir des ISBN cliquables dans les pages web que je vais rencontrer. LibX permet aussi, par exemple, une articulation avec un résolveur de lien et un proxy (pour les ressources en ligne payantes). Mais on n’en est pas là.

InstallationGlobale - Geckozone - Extensions en français pour Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird et Nvu

Cette méthode décrit l'installation globale d'une extension (ou un thème) dans le répertoire d'installation de Firefox / Thunderbird / Mozilla Suite / Seamonkey ou Nvu. Une extension ainsi installée sera disponible pour tous les utilisateurs et tous les profils.fermer absolument toute session de l'application concernée, y-compris popups, préférences ; déposer le package XPIdans le répertoire des extensions de l'application elle-même (et non pas du profil utilisateur !).

Autopager - Create new ap rule for page without "next" in links - teesoft, make software to a tee

This works on AutoPager or newer version. This is the recording of the steps to create the rule for This demo shows how to create AutoPager rules for the pages which don't have "Next" in links. They only have a navbar includes all the page numbers like this: Page: [1], 2, 3, 4. The final link xpath get in this tutorial is: //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')]/following-sibling::a[1] Steps explains: //div[@id='obspoz']/p :select the navbar. //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text() : select the texts in the navbar since current page number does not have a node //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')] : select the text for the current page number. It will be easier if the current page number has a node, for example if it's a span with class='current': //div[@id='obspoz']/p/span[@class='current']. //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')]/following-sibling::a[1] : select the first link after the current page number text.

PopTip - Greasemonkey Customisable - Add pop-up preview to any site - Flickr

Script Summary: Add pop-up preview to any site.(Script homepage).....Rules for popup action must be written in "SITEINFO" in proper format. Properties of SITEINFO url (required)(RegExp) : URL to which the rule is applied. targetElement (required)(XPath) : XPath which select "A" elements. When "mouseover" action occurs on them, linked pages (values of "href" attributes) will be fetched. popupElement (required) (XPath) : XPath which select elements in fetched pages. These elements will be appear in tooltips. disabled (optional) : If you want to disable a rule temporally, set "false". style (optional) : CSS attributes of tooltips. Please be careful to write in CamelCase! (border-width -> borderWidth) stripe (optional) : If you set "true", small icons will be appended to elements on which the action will occur.

Anonymity and you: A guide to using »

“Being nameless or unidentifiable”. When we are browsing the internet, we are identifiable by “IP Address” and our “Browser header/HTTP header”. Firstly, get Firefox, and this extension. User Agent Switcher allows you to change.. well, your user extension. I recommend either making one up entirely or just randomising them at certain points in the day. Secondly, get the stable Tor package from here. Follow the instructions for installing it here. Get TorButton for Firefox, and you’re ready to go. You can check your IP address here before enabling Tor, and again after enabling it, to make sure it’s different. There are other type’s of proxies to port; for instance, web based proxies such as Essentially, a webbased proxy will load the site onto it’s server, and you will load it from their server. These are better for people who wish to bypass a network blocklist at college or their workplace, as they require no installation and no ports to be forwarded.

Tutorial : Greasemonkey Recipe Book for Greasemonkey

Example Greasemonkey script below. The only things that need to be changed are bolded italic. In short, the XPath that identifies the top-level DIV, the XPath that identifies the DIV containing the content you want to display, and a list of XPath's that you want to remove.


Creating Applications with Mozilla

Guide pour créer des application avec Mozilla : très fournit

Ubiquity __Presentation ____Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive »

by 4 others
Mozilla Labs experiment into connecting the Web with language in an attempt to find new user interfaces that could make it possible for everyone to do common Web tasks more quickly and easily. The overall goals of Ubiquity are to explore how best to: * Empower users to control the web browser with language-based instructions. (With search, users type what they want to find. With Ubiquity, they type what they want to do.) * Enable on-demand, user-generated mashups with existing open Web APIs. (In other words, allowing everyone–not just Web developers–to remix the Web so it fits their needs, no matter what page they are on, or what they are doing.) * Use Trust networks and social constructs to balance security with ease of extensibility. * Extend the browser functionality easily.

Introducing Operator, a Microformat Detection Extension for Firefox 2____Mozilla Labs - 2006

by 7 others, 2 comments
Operator demonstrates the usefulness of semantic information on the Web, in real world scenarios.Here are some examples of things you can do with this release of Operator, and with the Web as it exists today : Yahoo! Local and Your Address Book. With Operator you can send the phone number of your favorite pizza place from Yahoo! Local to your address book, without having to type anything..... Operator requires information on the Web to be encoded using microformats, and since this method for semantically encoding information is relatively new, not all sites are using microformats yet. However, Operator works great with any blog that uses rel-tag, and the sites Yahoo! Local, Flickr, and, all of which contain millions of pieces of information expressed using microformats. As more sites begin to semantically encode data with microformats, Operator will automatically work with them as well.

Customize Your Own Portable Firefox Six Pack

Firefox user Asian Angel loves Portable Firefox for projects like creating a Google Chrome clone, but you can also use it to run multiple, sandboxed instances of the browser at the same time. What's the point? Well, it lets you log into multiple accounts at the same service (like Gmail) in different windows, and run certain extensions and styles in one browser instance but not another. You already know how to create multiple Firefox profiles and even run them simultaneously, but using Portable Firefox you can easily back up your customized installations and run them anywhere. Reader Asian Angel explains how she assembled a colorful "Firefox six pack" using the portable app.