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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags chercher & search


ImgOps - Image Bookmarklets (reverse search etc...)

>>> "ImgOps" Bookmarklet: Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. >>> "Enable Save" Bookmarklet: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


RECHERCHE - Utiliser la recherche par facettes pour gérer un catalogue e-commerce

Apprendre à connaître la recherche par facettes pour mieux gérer un catalogue en ligne 2014-01-22 par Simon Éthier. La recherche par facettes, c’est quoi? En expérience-utilisateur, la recherche par facettes est un design pattern qui croise deux concepts, soit la recherche dans un site (site search) et la navigation par facettes, qui est une forme de navigation où l’utilisateur peut filtrer les contenus (produits, etc.) en fonction de différents critères, qui habituellement s’additionnent entre eux pour offrir des résultats de plus en plus appropriés aux critères de l’utilisateur (que sont les facettes).


Traker IP - "GeoBytes IP Locator" ou "IP2Location" - Comment dépister l'endroit original d'un email par l'intermédiaire de son IP address

Tracking the location of an IP address Now that we have our originating IP address of, let’s find out where that is! You can do this by perform a location lookup on the IP address. My favorites are IP2Location and GeoBytes IP Locator. If you want more information, you can do a WHOIS database search also. My favorite one is the ARIN WHOIS Database Search. This will give you information on who hosts that IP address and their registration information. You can always contact them to try and find more information on that particular IP address. Have fun tracking down those emails!

Identify your Wildflowers here - Wildflower Field Guide, North America (Identifiez vos Fleurs Sauvages aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique avec cet outil et Flickr)

You can chose some option : Color, Number of Petals.... And after this tool display an huge Thumbnail collection of flowers found in Flickr ..... See the Flickr's Pool : (Guide en ligne de fleurs sauvages indigènes domaine des plantes à fleurs (ou naturalisés) aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique. : Ceci n' est pas pour les plantes de jardin ou de plantes d'intérieur, ou des fruits, des graines, des feuilles)


AmazType - Moteur de Recherche en Flash Pour Amazon

by 32 others
Pourquoi les catalogues de nos bibliothèques ne fonctionnent-ils pas comme ça ? Tapez n'importe quoi dans la fenêtre de recherche puis entrée, moi j'ai tapé schiele par exemple mais on peut tout aussi bien taper slip, attendez un peu pendant que les images s'assemblent ne soyez pas impatients, ça vaut le coup. Bien à vous,

Pipes: flickr image search

flickr image search This pipe is designed to search images from you can enter the input and see the results as LIST or IMAGES

GoogleEnhancer :: Add-ons for Firefox

Light-weight Google enhancement Adds... ___ The extension work only if I type in Firefox Search Bar at the upper right side of the screen. Please fix the extension, is great! ___ -Icons, -Numbering, -Highlighting, -and more search options: 'By date' and 'By language' your Google search results

Google Assistant - Surf Canyon :: Add-ons for Firefox

This add-on automates the discovery of relevant information buried in the search results on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Lexis Web or Craigslist. Simply enter your query at one of these search engines as you always would. When you click a result that appeals to you, the application automatically re-ranks the result set in order to bring forward what you need while suppressing what you don’t want. “Recommended” results can come from as deep as page 100, where virtually no one ever looks, but often come from pages 2-10. Surf Canyon also inserts optional “bull’s eye” icons to the search page to enable retrieving recommendations immediately, without having to actually click the particular result.“Surf Canyon is one of the best search tools I've seen for some time. You may quote me on that.”

Hit Listing - le site de toutes les listes - Abondance : Référencement et moteurs de recherche

Hit Listing est un outil, mêlant les concepts d'annuaire et de moteur de recherche, qui a pour vocation de recenser toutes les listes disponibles sur le Web... Créé par l'équipe qui gère le site "Besoin d'infos", Hit Listing se veut être le site de toutes les listes : "il y a une liste pour tout et elle est ici !" annonce son fondateur Renaud Lacroix : des palmarès, des classements, des conseils et des sélections de sites internet sont au rendez-vous. Près de 270.000 listes sont disponibles dés le lancement de cette version Bêta.

The Movie Dude script - Cross-links various movie related sites that normally don't link to each other - (Greasemonkey Script)

by 1 other
It grew out of a desire to have links between NetFlix and IMDB movie pages, to be able to easily get to movie trivia or add movies to my queue. Links are added to these sites: * The Internet Movie Database * NetFlix * (and UK) * Yahoo! Movies * Rotten Tomatoes * Roger Ebert * Amazon * All Movie Guide * GreenCine * Metacritic * FilmAffinity * Intelliflix * Flixster * Slant * Wikipedia (English) * FilmSpot * Fandango * Wal*Mart Use the menu item "Tools | User Script Commands | Movie Dude Settings..." to select which sites to link to. A settings bar will appear at the bottom of the page. For example, if you never want to see links to Blockbuster, uncheck it on the settings bar. You can display links as text, icons or both.

WhatTheFont! - Online Tool - MyFonts

by 2 others
Seen a font in use and want to know what it is? Submit an image to WhatTheFont to find the closest matches in our database. Or, let cloak-draped font enthusiasts lend a hand in the WhatTheFont Forum

Rabbits.htm: Catching web-rabbits finding webbits - Fravia(2008)

by 1 other
warez rabbits pr0n rabbits Simple "Ringtones" webbits Serialz rabbits Gamez rabbits Another way of getting them webbits out? mp3 rabbits mp3 (2006-2007 vintage) DVD & Media rabbits Mordred's asterisks bookish rabbits newsfeedish rabbits passwords rabbits email gathering rabbits proxy rabbits Rabbits for rabbits Cameras and Cams webbits Other roadkills People that are new to our webbits wont believe the techniques described here until they try them... so just try them :-) Those that already know how powerful and mighty Seekers can be, will not wonder at all. Both kind of readers will find these tricks more useful than my words can possibly underline.

Books.htm - How to Find Ebooks on the web - (Hack) - by Fravia+ (2006)

How to find any text, any book, any journal or any poem - Requetes Google et sites web. Introduction Project Gutenberg Full-length electronic texts Eserver Collections on specific subjects Searching books Et ab hic et ab hoc History of the e-book scene Journals Poetry (and Lyrics) Our own library Universal library for personal use Google & Amazon book searches

Try This Search On - UserScripts - Greasemonkey

by 1 other
Provides useful links to search engines based on the page that you're viewing or the search that you're performing.


VideoSurf Finds People Inside Web Videos

Search site and aggregator VideoSurf isn't perfect at what it tries to do, but it can be occasionally, surprisingly good at spotting particular faces inside videos. The indexing engine (currently in beta, of course) sorts through videos from most of the popular Flash-based sites and lets you search to find only videos with, say, Jerry Seinfeld's actual image in them. A few of my searches turned up false positives, but others yielding surprising accuracy, and VideoSurf's interface lets you skip right to the sections featuring your searched man or woman. VideoSurf is a free to use, though you can sign up to save your searches.

Mirti__Sélection, tri et référencement de dizaines de milliers de sites par des humains.

Mirti est votre index de recherche thématique intelligent. Ici sur la page des liens de Bandes Dessinées....


Why People Link to Wikipedia

The main reason behind Wikipedia's high ranking in Google search is that people link to Wikipedia articles. It may seem strange that people choose to link to Wikipedia instead of other sites, but the "free encyclopedia that anyone can edit" has many selli


EvilLyrics - Chercher les paroles d'une chanson dans Winamp_FREE

Automatically search for lyrics of the song currently playing in Winamp, and display them in a tiny window. You can also store lyrics for offline viewing. This version supports Windows Media Player, Foobar2000, Sonique, iTunes, Winamp, and RealPlayer.

2005 codestream » Blog Archive » Technorati tag search

Technorati’s new Tag Search is fantastic. It aggregates results from flickr,, and blogs

Magellan Metasearch : plateforme de veille collaborative - Un métamoteur en Open Source (Abondance actu - mercredi 8 juin 2005)

Ce progiciel, destiné à être installé sur un intranet, automatise la veille sur les moteurs de recherche, et possède les caractéristiques suivantes : - Interrogation de dix moteurs de recherche (Web, Newsgroups, Weblogs), dont Google Web / Groups, AllTheWeb, Feedster, Gigablast... - Récupération du nombre maximum de résultats pour chaque moteur, afin de tendre au maximum à l'exhaustivité. - Langage d'interrogation avancé : méta-opérateurs et opérateurs de proximité. - Dédoublonnage des résultats de recherche, extraction des méta-données pertinentes, tri multicritère. - Modules d'analyse et de filtrage des résultats a posteriori. - Planification des requêtes dans le temps afin de détecter les nouveaux résultats. - Exportation des résultats sous Excel ou en HTML pour interfacer un crawler externe. - Diffusion en temps réel d'alertes par e-mail et par RSS.