public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags chercher & script

September 2009

BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - Recherche fichiers ".NZB" - Usenet , Newgroups - Userscripts

Une petite astuce pour trouver rapidement les .NZB à partir de binnews : _Ajoutez à Greasemonkey ce petit script : (BinNews Search File With Binsearch, Newzleech, and others - userscripts) : Install script Il rajoutera dans vos résultats sur binnews des petits icônes de façon très intuitive ! Ce sont des liens vers BinTube, Binsearch, Newsleech, etc. Un clic dessus et la recherche est déjà faites, vous n’avez plus qu’à télécharger le .NBZ ! Testez, vous adoptere

January 2009

Regular Expression Library

by 5 others
Welcome to, the Internet's first Regular Expression Library. Currently we have indexed 2366 expressions from 1430 contributors around the world. We hope you'll find this site useful and come back whenever you need help writing an expression, you're looking for an expression for a particular task, or are ready to contribute new expressions you’ve just figured out. Thanks!

Try This Search On - UserScripts - Greasemonkey

by 1 other
Provides useful links to search engines based on the page that you're viewing or the search that you're performing.

October 2008

The Ultimate Flickr Tools Hacks and Scripts Database____GeekTonic by Brent Evans:

UltimateFlickrTools The Ultimate Flickr Tools Database? As of this posting date, this post includes more tha350 different tools, hacks and scripts to use with flickr. And when I started gathering this list I was naive enough to think this list would have about 100 tools total...n

Convert POST to GET in forms firefox - Recherche Google

Je cherche à savoir quelle données passent en post après le submit d'un form.. Y'a t'il une extension de firefox qui permette de visualiser les données en post ? - - WebDevelopper Ensuite sur la page de ton formulaire, Forms>Convert Form Method> Posts To Gets ... Et ça convertit les formulaires post en get ( surprenant non ;) ) et ainsi tu pourras voir les variables passées dans l'url!