public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tehu with tags fun & delicious


ohnotheydidnt: Kermit Bale

by 1 other
What do Christian Bale and Kermit the Frog have in common? (via Kottke)


YouTube - who throws a shoe (austin powers)

"Bush has more dexterity than Austin Powers. I knew there was a good reason to vote for him." (in comments)



FooCampers 2006

Yes, I do like Canada. And Canadians too.

rss-public list under Dave's fury

Best joke of the week : "I may at some time send him a bill for all of my time that he is wasting."

RSS Advisory Board no longer exists for D.Winer

Syndication politics are every bit as twisted as any soap opera you’ll see on daytime television. Only without the sex. And with a bunch of bearded fat guys in place of the pretty models. (Dave Walker)

Introducting Bastards of the Blogs!

by 1 other
First card : Dave W., the "father" of the blogs


Burningbird Web 1.0 - Party like it's 1997 again

by 2 others
More frames ! New DHTML ! With Java and VRML !

Evan Williams doesn't work any longer at Google

by 1 other
A 25 years business journalist has forgotten what fact-checking means. How to ruin a career in one good laugh.

Ann Coulter: on the cover of Time Magazine

Elle a les yeux revolver, elle a le regard qui tue, elle a tiré la première, m'a touché, c'est foutu (sorry Marc Lavoine)

2004 shutdown : and now the movie script!

Waiting for the NéoCon version. Forthcoming title : Weblog Holocaust!

Ghost town : a fraud exposed

Picture a motorcycle rebel chick with helmet and leather garments, you can sell a good story. Hey ! Those bloody romantic Ukrainians have used the Xena look to win the Eurovision contest.


le lien stupide du vendredi (un vieux Canclaux) - *Never redo that! O Captain! My captain!*