public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tehu with tag rss

January 2007

Some RSS and remaindered links changes (

1 comment
Which means that somewhere between 75-85% of the people who are reading via RSS aren't even getting most of what's on the site!

August 2006

Really Simple Syndication: Best Practices Profile (Proposed)

by 3 others
This profile contains a set of recommendations for Really Simple Syndication, a web syndication format documented in RSS 2.0 (revision 2.0.8). This document is still under development and has not been adopted by the board or any other entity involved with RSS.

Namespaced Extensions in Feeds

by 4 others (via)
Dublin Core: 29.3% - XHTML: 15.7% - ITunes: 2.5% - CreativeCommons: 1.5% - FOAF: 0.11%

July 2006

Dave Johnson - Beyond Blogging

Présentation à TriXML 2006 - pdf

threshold state: Conventional RSS

profil adopté sur textpattern et wordpress (?)

June 2006

March 2006

Burningbird : RSS, Sick Finches, and a Bouncing Ball

Great summary of the Cadenhead/Winer case and the future of RSS 2.0.

Sam Ruby: Common Feed Errors

by 2 others
"If all you are doing is strcpy’ing your html page into your feed, do us all a favor and add the following line at the top..."

February 2006

RSS Advisory Board : +2 -2

Musical Chair is the last game in RSS land ; are they having fun ?

rss-public list under Dave's fury

Best joke of the week : "I may at some time send him a bill for all of my time that he is wasting."

Dare Obasanjo : Why IE 7 Can't Import OPML Files from RSS Bandit

Because OPML looks like a lebanese grocer. J'ai bon ?

The Quest for the Real Syndication Standard | Civilities

The development of the RSS standard may very well be a good case study of how not to go about developing a software standard. / (To be a Six-part series. Two parts completed so far.)

RSS Means Never Being Board

by 1 other (via)
"Dave m'a refilé la présidence d'un comité Théodule et je viens de l'apprendre aujourd'hui."

RSS Advisory Board no longer exists for D.Winer

Syndication politics are every bit as twisted as any soap opera you’ll see on daytime television. Only without the sex. And with a bunch of bearded fat guys in place of the pretty models. (Dave Walker)

January 2006

Feed Icons - Help establish the new standard

by 32 others (via)
By adopting this icon as the identity of syndicated content, you're helping to eliminate confusion brought on by acronyms, break down the international barriers and bring feeds to the forefront.

August 2005

RSS Extensions

by 3 others
A wiki to count main syndication modules (draft, used, dead?).

July 2005

Do The Funky Standard Dance!

by 1 other (via)
The funky RSS boy dances for Atom now (see via).

Atom: The Standard in Syndication

by 1 other (via)
Historique d'Atom et de ses prédécesseurs par Robert Sayre, co-auteur de la spec.

Draft : Feed History extension by Mark Nottingham

by 1 other (via)
This document specifies mechanisms that allow feed publishers to give hints about the nature of the feed's statefulness, and a means of retrieving "missed" entries from a stateful feed.

June 2005

Nick Bradbury: Microsoft, RSS and Attention

A feed store build into Longhorn ? That's kind of logic to personalize search, and a bit scary too, because it's MS.

tehu's TAGS related to tag rss

api +   atom +   attention +   davewiner +   delicious +   fun +   google +   icons +   jasonkottke +   mecano web +   metablog +   opiuml +   php +   rdf +   rss:history +   samruby +   search +   social:app +   spip +   syndication +   textpattern +   trafic +   web +   wordpress +   xml +