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PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags Mircosoft & linq

March 2008

Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator 2008 Available

The Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator is a sample line of business application that showcases the latest design principles and technologies in the mobile space.

February 2008

Cool Links IV- .NET 3.5, Architecture, AJAX, UML, EPF, Patterns, GOF, VSTS 2008, WPF, Silverlight, SQL 2008, XAML

This is the fourth installment of cool links. It includes links on .NET 3.5, Architecture, AJAX, UML, EPF, Patterns, GOF, VSTS 2008, WPF, Silverlight, SQL 2008, XAML, SPARX EA, Visio, Seam Carving, New Books, FXCop, etc.

January 2008

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 Book Review

This book claims to be about code, code, and then more code. I completely agree with the author's claim, it is code from front to back.

December 2007

Visual Studio 2008 Linq Samples and the Query Visualizer

If you haven't had the chance to check out the linq Samples that come with Visual Studio 2008, I'd suggest you do. It is a great way to get familiar with the linq syntax. Microsoft has included a that allows you to see the code and the results of the code. It also organizes the examples based on attributes in the code.