public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags Mircosoft & acropolis

September 2007

Cool Links III- .NET 3.0, 3.5, Acropolis, TFS, AJAX, Visual Studio 2008, CAB, WPF, Silverlight, WCF, SQL Server 2008

I posted a few sets of links a few months ago. Here is another list. There has been a ton of new info to keep up with. Topics - .NET 3.0, 3.5, Acropolis, TFS, AJAX, Visual Studio 2008, CAB, WPF, Silverlight, SQL Server 2008, Architecture, WCF, LINQ, MVP, Repository Factory, etc...

August 2007

Acropolis August CTP for VS 2008 Beta 2 Available

Kathy Kam has just posted that the Acropolis August CTP for Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 is now available.

July 2007

New Acropolis Expense Sample Overview

There is a new Acropolis sample available from the Acropolis team. It is definitely worth checking out. It includes a set of very thorough tutorial documents in the download.

Microsoft Code Name "Acropolis" July Community Technology Preview is Available

Microsoft Code Name "Acropolis" July Community Technology Preview is available for download.

June 2007