public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags Mircosoft & TFS

September 2007

Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Project, SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA), and ALM Enablement

A problem that I see with a lot of process instances (RUP, OpenUP, etc.) is that the templates provided are static word documents. I know that has been par for course over the years, but SPARX EA gives us a better option for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Enablement.

June 2007

Microsoft eScrum Installation and Configuration Sucks

After messing around with the configuration for an hour or two I can only say it can't be worth this aggravation. I gave up trying and have put it into the not usable category on my team.

April 2007

Cool .NET 3.0, 3.5, TFS, AJAX, ORCAS, CAB, WWF, Expression Tools and Links

Over the past couple of weeks I have been scouring the web for information on .NET 3.0, WWF, WPF, WCF, the Smart Client Software Factory, Web Client Software Factory, and the Web Service Software Factory. Here are some of the best links I found.