public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags google & "google docs"

January 2010

Google Docs passe (enfin) à Cosmo : All your file are belong to us - Zorgloob - Tout savoir sur Google... ou presque !


On attend cette mise à jour depuis plusieurs années, elle sera là dans les prochains jours.

Le communiqué de presse de Google vient confirmer l’annonce faite sur le blog officiel de Google Docs : la mise à jour « Cosmo » (anciennement appelée Gdrive par les rumeurs) pour Google Docs est en route.

May 2009

Google Apps Script: Expanding the Google Office With Your Own JavaScript

1 comment
A public document footnoted with “Google Confidential” mentions Google Apps Script, a framework that looks like a kind of macro language (and more) for Google’s web office.

February 2009

Apps Status Dashboard

This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps.

April 2008

Billy (BK) Rios

Now, normally when I find an XSS vulnerability on a popular domain I just report it to the appropriate security team and move on, but this one is interesting…