public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag css


Scroll-driven Animations

Scroll-driven Animations A bunch of demos and tools to show off Scroll-driven Animations


vanilla-extract — Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript.

Use TypeScript as your preprocessor. Write type‑safe, locally scoped classes, variables and themes, then generate static CSS files at build time.


mitseo/scraper - Packagist

Parse document with xpath,css selector and regex.




Scales up (or down) text so it fits perfectly to its parent container. Ideal for flexible and responsive websites.

ColorMe - Visualize The CSS Color Function

by 1 other
Visualize The CSS Color Function


The State of Front-End Tooling 2016 - Results - - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan

About a month ago, I put out the 2016 Front-End Tooling Survey. The response has been phenomenal – to date, 4,715 developers have taken the time to fill it in. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to do so.

GitHub - philipwalton/flexbugs: A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.

by 1 other
This repository is a community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them. The goal is that if you're building a website using flexbox and something isn't working as you'd expect, you can find the solution here.

Atomic Docs

by 1 other
A style guide generator and component manager.

CSS Stats

by 2 others
Webapp to visualize various stats about your css

jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.

jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.

Convert Css to React Style JSON by staxmanade

This simple little tool is intended to help translate plain CSS into the React in-line style specific JSON representation.

include-media: Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass

by 1 other (via)
include-media is a Sass library for writing CSS media queries in an easy and maintainable way, using a natural and simplistic syntax.


SmartUnderline works by searching your page for links which have a CSS underline applied with text-decoration, and replaces the text-decoration with a smarter line drawn in such a way that it gets cleared by the descenders—glyphs such as “g”, “j”, and others—creating more readable and beautiful links.


Coloring SVGs in CSS Background Images by Noah Blon on CodePen

I love using SVG in CSS background images but it sucks that you can't alter the fill color easily within your CSS. Here are a few ways around that.