public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags blogger & twitter

May 2008

March 2008


Mashups for social change? Apparently, you're not the only one that thinks this is a good idea. Last week, 122 project ideas were submitted to the annual NetSquared Mashup Challenge.

Global Neighbourhoods

People everywhere, equipped with cameras and access are posting what they see, for a few friends or the entire world. It is the reporting of everday people and places and incidents that will never be ready for prime time, but are useful and interesting to

Waking up in Amsterdam!

I did an video interview for last night at about 0200, I’ll link it up after I see it.

February 2008

Marshall Kirkpatrick

by 2 others
The highlights of the post are the link to this Wired article about the economy of screen scraping (great article) and this screencast about how to use Dapper that I finally recorded.

June 2007

Thanks for the hat tip on twitter. Great Blog!

March 2007


A New York Times article mentions me. One of the best-loved twitterers, Paul Terry Walhus, a gray-haired blogger from Austin, Tex., has 9,177 friends and 1,851 followers, according to the tracking site Twitterholic.