public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags blogger & austincast

April 2007

March 2007


A New York Times article mentions me. One of the best-loved twitterers, Paul Terry Walhus, a gray-haired blogger from Austin, Tex., has 9,177 friends and 1,851 followers, according to the tracking site Twitterholic.

February 2007

An Austin Girl's Phlog

An Austin Girls Phlog - she commented about Carnaval on good taste, great links, and a Minnesotan to boot

January 2007

java geek who writes a regular Austin blog. Interesting.

August 2006

Lars Pind's Contact Info - Lars Pind's Blog

known for things such as working for ArsDigita, being a leader in the OpenACS community before switching to Rails, and for having opinions on the design of metrocard vending machines.