public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags blogger & austin

May 2008

End of Silence

Austin blog with a great Austin linkroll

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March 2008

Who Are The Austin 80?

The situation in Burma has been getting out of control. People are dying as they fight for peace. Some of the monks have been beaten, arrested, and killed.

April 2007

March 2007


A New York Times article mentions me. One of the best-loved twitterers, Paul Terry Walhus, a gray-haired blogger from Austin, Tex., has 9,177 friends and 1,851 followers, according to the tracking site Twitterholic.

February 2007

An Austin Girl's Phlog

An Austin Girls Phlog - she commented about Carnaval on good taste, great links, and a Minnesotan to boot

January 2007

java geek who writes a regular Austin blog. Interesting.

August 2006

Lars Pind's Contact Info - Lars Pind's Blog

known for things such as working for ArsDigita, being a leader in the OpenACS community before switching to Rails, and for having opinions on the design of metrocard vending machines.