public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags windows & microsoft


Safe C String Library v1.0.3 (January 30, 2005)

The goal of the SafeStr library is to provide a rich string-handling library for C that has safe semantics yet interoperates with legacy library code in a straightforward manner. Additionally, porting code that uses standard C string handling should be straightforward. The library should work on all modern Unix-like platforms, as well as any 32-bit Microsoft Windows OS. The overt security goals of the library are as follows: 1. Buffer overflows should not be possible when using the API. 2. Format string problems should be impossible when using the API. 3. The API should be capable of tracking whether strings are "trusted", a la Perl's taint mode. The API is meant to provide rich functionality and be easy to use, all the while improving security.


Microsoft Azure Services Platform : une vision très large de l’offre Cloud Computing, qui réinvente Microsoft et Windows « Entreprise 2.0

C’est Microsoft Azure qui remporte la palme aujourd’hui. Il s’agit d’une offre encore en construction mais qui enfin signale la volonté de Microsoft d’être présent sur tous les fronts du cloud computing.

Groupe Utilisateur de Windows Vista - Blogs

Le GUWiV (Groupe Utilisateur de Windows Vista) est une association de loi 1901 dont l'objectif est de rassembler les utilisateurs et décideurs informatiques autour de la nouvelle version du système d'exploitation de Microsoft : Windows Vista.

:: JBC Explorer ::

Cet Explorateur Web permet de consulter des fichiers sur un serveur web comme sur son propre ordinateur. Il se comporte de la même manière que l'explorateur de fichiers de Microsoft Windows tel que nous le connaissons tous. De cette manière il est totalement intuitif d'utilisation


Colloquis Developer Center

On this site, you'll find everything you need to develop conversational agents on the Colloquis platform. Conversational agents are software programs that interact with users in a natural, conversational style. They operate on the Web, or via virtually any form of text messaging. Conversational agents are ideal for providing customer service and support, but can be used for many other purposes as well.


IT Manager's Journal :: Writing C# software using open source tools on Windows

The new C# programming language and the Microsoft .Net framework have been gaining popularity among developers and managers alike. Does this new technology leave open source proponents out in the cold? Not anymore -- with the coming of age of Mono and SharpDevelop, a reliable set of open source tools is now available to allow the development of C# and .Net applications on Windows and on Linux.

MSN Messenger® Invasion of the Robots Contest - Home

Microsoft is challenging developers worldwide to create conversational robots, or BOTs, for MSN® Messenger and Windows Live™ Messenger. The most original, useful robots collect $40,000 in total prizes