public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags visualisation & flash



a series of data visualization concepts for Google. These interface sketches are are all based around a concept of aggregating and visualizing online media buzz across various social media outlets.

Calculatrice Sémantique en flash - Hubert Wassner

by 1 other (via)
Benoît à recodé l'idée de la calculatrice sémantique en flash via la librairie flare-prefuse et l'API BOSS de yahoo. C'est tout simplement génial... N'hésitez pas à poster en commentaire les listes de mots qui amènent à des cartes sémantiques intéréssantes.


XML/SWF Charts > Introduction

by 5 others
XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.


NGf - Map of Creativity

by 3 others
Il s'agit de la représentation visuelle de projets de recherche autour des nouvelles technologies émanant du monde entier et fédérés par la Next Generation Foundation.

KartOO visual meta search engine

KartOO is a metasearch engine with visual display interfaces. KartOO launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm.