public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags search & gratuit


2005 : : free DOI guest search

If you have bibliographic data for a journal article and would like to find the DOI, please use the form below. The form is a guest query interface to the CrossRef system for individual DOI retrieval. This interface is not intended for automated querying. If you would like to query CrossRef on an automated batch basis, please obtain an account on oursystem. You must supply either author or first page and we recommend using journal title instead of ISSN. For a list of journal titles in the CrossRef holdings please visit our browsable journal list.

Science Research Portal - Search Page

a free, publicly available web portal allowing access to numerous scientific journals and public science databases. It allows students, teachers, professors, researchers, and the general public to access pertinent science information quickly and easily.

YOTOPHOTO: The Free Stock Photo Search Engine

by 131 others (via)
Yotophoto is a search engine for free-use stock photographs. Some of the images are public domain and others have generous Creative Commons (or similar) licensing. Nearly all these photographs are free for personal and commercial use with minimal restrictions.


Google Desktop Search Download

by 16 others
Google your local files, Outlook email and media files with Google Desktop.

My Yahoo! Search

by 2 others
new yahoo search, can save links.

Prog - Page Rank Search Engine

Google results with pagerank

Google PageRank Calculator Value Report without Toolbar

by 6 others
The Google PageRank Value Report will return the Google PageRank values for the list of urls you enter into a form.

Mozdex open search engine

by 5 others
mozDex is a search engine seeded from the directory. mozDex uses open source search technologies to create an open and fair index. Our goal is to index the entire web in html content. We want to be able to provide a powerful and open search se