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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags jeu & gratuit


Vassal Forge

Vassal est un moteur de jeu pour créer et jouer à des adaptations en ligne de jeux de plateaux et de cartes. Il est possible de jouer soit en temps réel par Internet soit par Email. Vassal fonctionne sur tout les plateformes, il est gratuit et Open source.


Façade Vision and Motivation

Motivated by our belief that a fully-realized interactive drama has not yet been built, we embarked on a five year effort to integrate believable characters, natural language conversation, and dynamic storyline, into a small but complete, playable, publicly-released experience. Façade is the result of this effort.

About the game. Heroes of War and Money - free online game | flash game, real time strategy online. Heroes of War And Money

Heroes of War and Money" appeared in May 2008. Created by a group of people, fascinated with HMM-style world of fantasy and adventure, the game has now grown. People from all over the planet become part of a breathtaking and intriguing world of ancient creatures and heroes. We hope that this free gamewould allow you to dip into the magic and might atmosphere again and again. In course of developing your character, you can participate in single, multiplayer, and soon enough even clan fights. For strategy & economy fans, there is a vast economic model available. Be it a short pause between fight or a complete dedication to the merchant's career, you will be able to quarry and machine dozens of resources types, produce and trade hundreds of artifacts. The game is supported by all modern browsers (Mozilla Firefox is recommended). Usage of newest Flash technologies allows creating most impressing battles without installing any additional files or clients on your computer. Due to that the game requirements for your PC's characteristics and your Internet connection are minimal. Those who use dial-up and GPRS connections will be pleased to know that the game consumes a low amount of traffic. For more information, select a desired section of the game reference from the menu on the left. Please also feel free to ask anything you wonder about at the forum or in the chat.

MegaMek - An unofficial, online version of the Classic BattleTech board game.

by 1 other (via)
MegaMek is an unofficial, online version of the Classic BattleTech board game.

ChallengeF1 - Jeu en ligne de management d'une écurie de F1 - Gratuit

Prenez les rênes d'une écurie de Formule1 virtuelle. Gérez vos dépenses, essayez d'engager les meilleurs pilotes du monde, améliorez les performances de vos monoplaces, gérez votre équipe d'ingénieurs, donnez vos instructions pour chaque grand prix et partez à la conquête des podiums !!!


Play online with thousands of players. Play at your own pace. Play wherever you want (no download, no installation required), you only need an Internet connection. Play for free as long as you want. » Réseau social univers virtuel jeu en ligne = $

Voilà pourquoi je vous le dit : l’avenir du jeu vidéo est au social et au gratuit (façon de parler). Si vous avez manqué les vagues des Skyblogs, de Second Life ou de Facebook, ne ratez pas cette déferlante !


Le Monde de Thäanis

by 1 other
Le Monde de Thäanis est un jeu d'aventure et de rôle au tour par tour, totalement gratuit et garanti sans la moindre publicité.

Yahoo! Racing Manager

Jeu de formule 1 en ligne.

Landes Eternelles: Jeu de rôle 3D online massivement multijoueurs.

by 1 other (via)
Landes Eternelles, un jeu de rôle en ligne gratuit, un monde original et unique pour ceux qui espèrent rêver un peu et entendre de loin en loin, le son de l'aventure! Landes Eternelles, c’est aussi un jeu fonctionnant sous Windows, Linux et FreeBsd, aux graphismes 3D

2006 - Projet Ryzom Libre

by 1 other (via)
Aidez à faire de Ryzom un MMO libre ! Vous pouvez faire une promesse de don pour aider à acheter le code source, les artworks, les données et la propriété intellectuelle associée au jeu. Ryzom vivrait alors une nouvelle vie, en tant que logiciel libre et projet ouvert, démocratiquement géré.

Télécharger TchecMeet - Logithèque PC Astuces

TchecMeet est un logiciel de jeu d'échecs gratuit, évolutif et paramétrable.


Adelian | académie de magie

une école de magie ! Inscris-toi et commence tout de suite ton apprentissage, prends soin de ton personnage, apprend-lui des sorts et des compétences, apprend-lui à combattre et gagne le respect des autres élèves d'Adelian pour le rendre encore plus fort !


by 2 others (via)
The objective of the PlaneShift Team is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become a hero. We will focus our efforts in the reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players connected! We want to give FREE access to everyone, without the need to either purchase the game or pay a monthly fee. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by sponsors. Our virtual world is persistent, and this means you can connect to it at every hour of day or night and you will always find players and npcs wandering our realms. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves the actual status of your character including his possessions. You will use a client program to interact with our world, that enables you to have a 3D view of the surroundings. Here are 10 reasons why you should become a player and a fan of PlaneShift: 1. Planeshift is a great place to find new friends from all over the world! 2. PlaneShift is a virtual world where you always dreamed of living 3. PlaneShift is the first 3D MMORPG to be free for players 4. Thanks to our open development process, the game will be expanded endlessly for years to come 5. Planeshift is a game made by roleplayers to bring you all the immersion you need from a virtual world 6. A unique setting, realistic combat rules, great magic system with hundreds of spells 7. No budgetary constraints will stop development of the world or prevent the addition of new ideas 8. You can build your house, your castle, your realm 9. You have the option to live as an adventurer or as a normal citizen, both paths rewarded in game 10. You can submit comments, ideas, bugs and the dev team will take those into account in future releases

Battle for Wesnoth

by 7 others, 1 comment
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Build your army, selecting, from one mission to the next one, your most experienced fighters. Fighters you did recruit among a great number of units, offering various strategic