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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags java & groupe:clever-age


Sortie de la JSR286 - Version 2 de l'API Portlet Java

Cette nouvelle version apporte le support des événements (une portlet peut envoyer ou recevoir des évènements), une gestion des paramètres publics pouvant être partagée entre différentes portlets (Public parameter renderer), le "resource serving"


Xebia Web Framework Contest par J2EE, Agilité et SOA : Le blog de Xebia France

4 équipes ont développé la même application web, chacune avec un framework (très) différent. Les frameworks retenus étaient : Struts2, Google Web ToolKit (GWT), Wicket, My Faces (JSF).

NTLM - Central Authentication Service - JA-SIG Wiki

SAMBA has a Java JAR that performs the NTLM challenge dialog from a Servlet. It runs as a Servlet Filter in front of an application. If the remote user pass the challenge, the userid is stored in the Request block when the CAS Servlet begins processing

Nati Shalom's Blog: Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java

The application stack of these Web applications is very different from the stack that mission-critical applications in the financial world are built with.

Quercus: PHP in Java

by 2 others
Quercus is Caucho Technology's fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language.

Orbeon Forms User Guide - Welcome

Orbeon Forms is an open source forms solution that handles the complexity of forms typical of the enterprise or government. It is brought to standard web browsers (including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera) thanks to Ajax technology, with no need for client-side software or plugins. Orbeon Forms allows you to build fully interactive forms with features that include as-you-type validation, optional and repeated sections, always up-to-date error summaries, PDF output, full internationalization, and controls like auto-completion, tabs, dialogs, trees and menus.


The ServerSide Interoperability Blog » About

TheServerSide.Com and TheServerSide.NET community web sites have assembled an able group to lead a discussion of interoperability. Collectively, they seek to shed light on sometimes murky issues of interoperability in computing. The ServerSide Interoperability Blog invites the developer and architect communities – across platforms — to take part in the discussion. The goal is to create a compelling dialog on the useful practices and architectures that relate to this sometimes heated topic.

SOA : IBM ouvre WebSphere Application Server à PHP - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

D'ici à la fin du mois, IBM mettra à disposition des développeurs un kit d'intégration PHP pour son serveur d'applications Websphere Application Server (WAS) Community Edition. Cet ajout permettra d'utiliser conjointement PHP et Java afin de déployer des applications plus dynamiques. IBM pense notamment aux applications de type Web 2.0 qui pourront être réalisées plus rapidement.

ActiveGrid Lights Up LAMP Stack With Some Java

ActiveGrid fait tourner une plateforme LAMP sur des JVM !

|► JAXFront - XML Forms and GUIs in Java and HTML ◄| - Generate User Interfaces

JAXFront is a technology to generate forms on multiple UI channels (Java Swing, HTML, PDF) on the basis of an XML schema. The dynamically generated GUIs allow the user a sophisticated way of editing XML data without being exposed to the underlying XML technology.


by 1 other (via)
Un DMS client riche (eclipse) basé sur Jackrabbit


Ajax for Java developers: Build dynamic Java applications

In this first article, I'll explain the concepts behind Ajax and demonstrate the fundamental steps to creating an Ajax interface for a Java-based Web application.

"PHP Collaboration Project" vs. "PHP Community Process" - ThinkPHP /dev/blog

Frankly, PCP reminds me on an idea I had 6 to 12 months ago and briefly discussed it with Zak Greant (who discussed it with one of the inventors of the JCP, the Java Community Process with its JSR's), IIRC Stig Bakken and others. We called it "PHP Community Process"

Xulfaces, des applications XUL en Java - Archiblog - Stratic

Olivier Schmitt, vient d'annoncer la sortie de xulfaces. Encore tout neuf, ce projet original tente de marier le meilleur du web avec le standard java. D'un côté XUL, la couche de présentation de la fondation Mozilla notamment utilisée dans Firefox, permet de construire des interfaces riches accessibles depuis le Web (L'interface graphique de Firefox est elle même construite en XUL). De l'autre JSF, nouveau standard de développement d'interfaces web associé au langage Java.