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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag portail


GateIn Portal - JBoss Community

"GateIn portal is a merge of two mature projects that have been around for a while, JBoss Portal and eXo Portal. It takes the best of both into a single new project. The aim is to provide both an intuitive portal to use as-is and a portal framework to build upon depending on your needs."

Netvibes Goes From Web 2.0 To Enterprise 2.0 In Partnership With Sage Software - ReadWriteEnterprise

"Sage will integrate the Netvibes dashboard technology into Sage software products and business processes."

Portaneo 3

La nouvelle version du portail open source de Portaneo, Enterprise Portal 3, dispose d'une ergonomie plus adaptée à une utilisation métier de grande ampleur.


Denis Dollfus' Blog: Dropthings, portail Web 2.0 open-source

Omar AL Zabir publie sur tout le nécessaire, en open-source of course, pour que chacun puisse construire son propre portail à la mode 2.0, c'est à dire avec widgets à choisir et à drag-and-droper dans la page.

Sortie de la JSR286 - Version 2 de l'API Portlet Java

Cette nouvelle version apporte le support des événements (une portlet peut envoyer ou recevoir des évènements), une gestion des paramètres publics pouvant être partagée entre différentes portlets (Public parameter renderer), le "resource serving"

UI Sortable: Layout Demo

Voilà enfin un drag & drop de portlets qui fonctionne bien avec jQuery UI !


Welcome to Netvibes' Developers Network

by 8 others (via)
UWA is the new Netvibes API. Through it, your Netvibes widgets will be available on every widget platforms or blog systems: Netvibes of course, but also Google IG, Apple Dashboard and many more...

Orbeon Forms User Guide - JSR-168 Portlets

Orbeon Forms also provides the Orbeon Forms Portlet, which supports the implementation of standard Java portlets that can be deployed within any portal or portlet container compatible with the Java Portlet specification. This specification is also known as JSR-168.


JSR 168, WSRP, Portlets & Enterprise Portal: JSR 286 (Portlet Specification V 2.0) Preview

by 1 other
You will find everything related to portlets, enterprise portal servers, WSRP & JSR 168. Issues include Portlet FAQ, Source Codes, Tutorials, Examples, Study Material, News, and Articles related to Portal and Portlet technology. Hope this blog will help in learning portlets and related issues.

The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 286

Version 2.0 of the Portlet Specification plans to align with J2EE 1.4, integrate other new JSRs relevant for the portlet, and align with the WSRP specification V 2.0

JSR 168, WSRP, Portlets & Enterprise Portal

You will find everything related to portlets, enterprise portal servers, WSRP & JSR 168. Issues include Portlet FAQ, Source Codes, Tutorials, Examples, Study Material, News, and Articles related to Portal and Portlet technology.

PortletBridge - PortletBridge Portlet

by 1 other
The PortletBridge Portlet project creates a JSR-168 Portlet that can proxy and rewrite content from a downstream web site. Currently, the portlet supports: Getting content from a downstream site, Proxy configuration (including NTLM and Basic authentication), NTLM and Basic authentication as preferences, Using an xsl stylesheet to rewrite the content from the downstream site, Proxying of remote resources (e.g. images, flash etc.), Pluto 1.0.1 rc2, JBoss Portal 2.0, LifeRay Professional 3.6.0, XSL Stylesheets packaged as part of the portlet or remote (URL based), Rewriting CSS urls, Moving javascript and css links out of the head, Hiding of downstream URLs and configurable scope, Back button and refresh support

JBoss and Liferay provide open portals to SOA | InfoWorld | Review | 2006-05-05 | By Mike Heck

by 1 other (via)
I tested two of these offerings, JBoss Portal 2.2.1 and Liferay Portal 4.0. Their standards compliance, ease of installation, and functionality match up well with commercial portals. With active community support and professional services available, JBoss and Liferay are legitimate portal solutions worth considering.

Customer Portals Feature Comparison Matrix

Portal Platforms from BEA, IBM, Microsoft, Liferay, Oracle, SAP, and Vignette Compared Against Our Evaluation Framework

Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2006

Through 2008, less than 10 percent of Global 1000 companies will deploy open-source portals at the enterprise level because of lack of compelling advantages in cost, support, functionality and finish (0.8 probability). However, Gartner does not expect this trend to continue indefinitely. The technology in Java-based horizontal OSS portals, such as that provided by JBoss (recently acquired by Red Hat), is maturing, and vendor-independent portal standards, such as JSR 168, are reducing concerns about vendor lock-in. Additionally, some large ISVs have continued to exploit OSS technology in their portals, highlighted by Sun Microsystems' new strategy of open sourcing its entire infrastructure stack, including its portal. Open-source portal solutions could pose a threat to large ISVs' traditional license sales. At the same time, open source provides large ISVs with opportunities to generate revenue from services supporting open-source initiatives.

Smile - Motoristes Internet - Introduction aux portails - eXo platform

eXoPlatform est à la pointe des normes et architectures J2EE. Premier portail certifié JSR 168, il met aussi en œuvre les WSRP (Web Service for Remote Portlets). Il est basé sur JSF (Java Server Faces, JSR 127) et la gestion de contenus doit - à terme - être certifiée JSR 170. Un plugin pour Eclipse est aussi disponible, simplifiant le développement de modules portlets.

Manning: Portlets and Apache Portals

by 2 others (via)
Portlets and Apache Portals explains how to develop JSR 168 and WSRP compliant portlets and how to test and deploy these portlets on Apache open source software. Richly illustrated with useful code examples. By the creators of WSRP and JSR 168 portlet standards.

eXo Platform

by 1 other
eXo Platform v1 was a Portal framework that was built to provide a scalable, modular, extensible and easy to configure solution on which Integrators, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Value Added Resellers (VARs) could build their offering. But, it was not intended to be used out of the box unless the company or organization had a dedicated technical team. With version 2, we decided to adopt the product line strategy. In other words we are building a core platform on which we implement products that can be inter dependent and used out of the box in most cases.

ObjectWeb Forge: Information sur le projet- eXo Platform

The eXo platform : ECM (JSR 170 impl) Portlet and Service Container (JSR 168 CERTIFIED) Portal based on Java Server Faces Workflow many portlets (forum, Wiki...)

Dave Brondsema's Blog - Portal comparison: Liferay v. uPortal

Une petite comparaison expliquant pourquoi ils ont choisi le premier après avoir utilisé le second