public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag vs


Sencha - CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads

Démonstration des capacités de CSS3 pour remplacer Flash dans les publicités Web

Flash contre HTML5 : 3, 2, 1 partez !

"Le plus économe demeure le couple Safari/HTML5 qui ne consomme que 12 % des ressources processeur. Pour effectuer la même tâche, le duo Safari/Flash s’accapare 37 % du temps processeur"


Test livres photo format A4

Dé à testé 9 livres photos de différents laboratoires, en oubliant malheureusement Blurb, celui que j'utilise pour l'instant...

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

"Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups"

Subtitled video

Captioning and subtitling are different media with deceptively similar appearance

La gendarmerie nationale sauve son projet Java EE en se convertissant au PHP

En 2005 la gendarmerie lance Puls@r, un projet Java EE pour remplacer l’application de gestion du service des brigades. Les aléas rencontrés ont poussé les gendarmes à se doter d’une plate-forme de développement continu pour PHP.


Le HTC Android pourra-t-il faire de l'ombre à l'iPhone ?

by 1 other
Voilà quelques arguments en sa faveur, en tout cas, sur un ton sarcastique

O'Reilly Network -- Stewart Butterfield on Flickr

by 1 other
I think we had one person inquire about using the SOAP version of the API. I don't know if any apps were actually built. There is at least one application built on XML-RPC. But all the others--I don't even know how many there are--are built on the REST AP

Mac Virtualization Benchmarking

Parallels Desktop est plus rapide que VMWare Fusion avec Windows XP, mais plus lent avec Windows Vista. Qui voudrait de Vista de toute façon ? ;-)


Xebia Web Framework Contest par J2EE, Agilité et SOA : Le blog de Xebia France

4 équipes ont développé la même application web, chacune avec un framework (très) différent. Les frameworks retenus étaient : Struts2, Google Web ToolKit (GWT), Wicket, My Faces (JSF).

Griffin Brown Weblog - 10 reasons to model XML with RELAX NG , not W3C XML Schema

by 1 other
There are lots of individual bits of information on why RELAX NG should be preferred all over the web. Here is an attempt to condense some of the key information into ten points …

REST vs. WS-*: War is Over (If You Want It) :: David Chappell :: Blog

by 1 other
REST is for data-oriented applications that focus on create/read/update/delete scenarios. Solution based on WS-* for service/method-oriented applications, especially those that need more advanced behaviors such as transactions and more-than-basic security

Choix d'un écran plat Full HD entre 46" et 52" »

Je me lance dans l'étude du marché pour m'acheter prochainement une nouvelle télé...

Plasma/lcd : la guerre des mondes

Vers quoi dois-je m'orienter : un plasma ou un LCD ?


by 1 other
L’objectif est de centraliser les bonnes volontés qui veulent contribuer à ce qu’AGORA puisse disparaitre au profit de SPIP.

Windows expert to Redmond: Buh-bye

If you give the Mac three months, as I did, you won't go back either. The hardest part is paying for it -- everything after that gets easier and easier. Perhaps fittingly, it took me the full three-month trial period to pay off my expensive MacBook Pro. But the darn thing is worth every penny.

Ian Foster: Web Fundamentalism

A hallmark of fundamentalism is a desire to apply simple rules ("programs are declarative," "there is no operation but POST", "services are stateless") to all situations. But computing is a large and varied world, with few opportunities for absolutist statements.

to implement Web Services Security with the X.509 Certificate Profile, you also need to implement XML Signature (which includes XML Canonicalization and XML Exclusive Canonicalization) and XML Encryption. To correctly handle imports of WSDL1.1 documents (and validate the traffic they describe), you need to support the entire behemoth that is XML Schema -- in particular if you are attempting to support RPC-oriented SOAP, which informally requires you to support the entire XML Schema Datatypes specification. Don't forget support for SOAP with Attachments, either!